Who’s hunting Kansas this year?

this will be my second year . I got with a group of guys that had an opening every other year , I filled the spot . will be hunting south of Topeka . I saw a couple monsters .
Heading back to hunt the walk in areas in the south west part of the state, November archery. Hut the rut just right last year, killed this 160 class buck spot and stalk.


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Just curious you guys hunt private land or are you hunting on public access land? I've always wanted to hunt in Kansas but I thought of trying to find permission has deterred me.
Just curious you guys hunt private land or are you hunting on public access land? I've always wanted to hunt in Kansas but I thought of trying to find permission has deterred me.
I've always hunted private, not just in Kansas but for all whitetail. Growing up in Georgia the stories about public land dangers bc of unsafe hunters, plus knowing people with land, always kept me on private land.
I've always hunted private, not just in Kansas but for all whitetail. Growing up in Georgia the stories about public land dangers bc of unsafe hunters, plus knowing people with land, always kept me on private land.
We hunted WIHA land last year, it was a blast. Saw one other bowhunter during our week there. Saw multiple mature bucks every day, now sometimes they were on private, but they moved around so much because of the rut it made it fun. I've heard it's a zoo during the rifle season, but like I said, we saw basically no one during the November bowhunt.
Well, I was born raised and will hopefully die In Kansas. So I will be hunting in Kansas lol. We do have some very nice deer. The hen turkeys are breaking off to nest so now is a good time to try to call in a Tom.
Just curious you guys hunt private land or are you hunting on public access land? I've always wanted to hunt in Kansas but I thought of trying to find permission has deterred me.

Hey, BoatTail, Kansas has over 1 million acres enrolled in the Walk In Hunting Access program (WIHA). In addition there is several hundred thousand acres of Corps of Engineer land open to hunting. No permission needed and plenty of room to kill a buck.
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Ummm....looks like i didn't draw? ***? Is Kansas at a point where points are now needed to be 100%?


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