We have a mens night at the local range, quick and simple 6 shots at 100y for record. Scores arekept throught the season and best score wins a prize at the annual banquet. Shots are - One bench no time limit, two bench shots in 20 seconds, one offhand, one prone, the last one shot changes a bit- leaned on a post, off a fence post, off a rock pile those sorts of things. I normally shoot 30-50 rounds of 22lr before the shoot, mostly offhand - need the most work there for sure.
Plus I shoot one day a weekend almost all year, sometimes snow cuts off the shooting for a couple weeks to maybe a month. Thankfully I have public land to shoot on all over, and have several spots to shoot LR. I have a four 9" gongs I setup at random distances out to 1300-1500. Normally the first somewhere around 600, and a few random steps out. I shoot either prone or off bags/tailgate. Also helps that I can shoot most of the summer in the same general areas I hunt. You see the times of day the wind shifts, wind patterns and your drops are corrected for the conditions.