Need help with new LR rifle

Short Case

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
I'm wanting to build a new LR rifle, I like the 26 Nosler and the 28 Nosler.
If I go with the 26 Nosler I would be using the 160 Matrix.
If the 28 Nosler it would be 180 or 195 Berger.
This would be for Elk, I really like the 6.5 but I can't decide if the 160 is enough
I'm wanting to build a new LR rifle, I like the 26 Nosler and the 28 Nosler.
If I go with the 26 Nosler I would be using the 160 Matrix.
If the 28 Nosler it would be 180 or 195 Berger.
This would be for Elk, I really like the 6.5 but I can't decide if the 160 is enough

It should be plenty. The last two bull elk we harvested were drt with 6.5cm 143 gr eld-x at 343 yds and 308win with 150 gr gmx at 316 yds (both Hornady ammo, which have been very reliable for us). Both were broadside shots with solid set up positions, so placement was where it needed to be. 160 is enough. A wise gunsmith warned me off of the 26 because in his experience the barrel life is too short.
.28 Nosler with a 1:8 twist barrel shooting 195 Bergers would be the ticket. Plus, the .28 will have significantly more barrel life over the .26 Nosler.
.28 Nosler with a 1:8 twist barrel shooting 195 Bergers would be the ticket. Plus, the .28 will have significantly more barrel life over the .26 Nosler.

I keep thinking the heaver bullets would be the way to go. I don't think I would ever
shoot the barrel out of the 26, I have 220 Swift that is 45 year old that shoot as good
as when I bought it
I keep thinking the heaver bullets would be the way to go. I don't think I would ever
shoot the barrel out of the 26, I have 220 Swift that is 45 year old that shoot as good
as when I bought it

The .26 Nosler has been proven to have around 500-600 rounds of accurate barrel life. Very similar to a 7mm RUM.
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