bullet grouping ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2003
So let me ask this, if i am shooting 1/2 inch at a hundred yards, what will i be getting for groups at 500 yards considering conditions are all the same ?

Well this seems like an odd question from you...since you have so much experience at shooting 500 yards. So much in fact that you want to degrade another member when they said a 24x scope was not needed for 550 yards.

You vast experience had this to say:

HA some one that has never hunter P- Dogs ! And you havent met my 40X and 50X yet have you,,, only a fool would go out with a 16 X.... Oh and tell me what you do when those babies appear that are about the size of tennis ball, ya a 16X sure will work at 550 , uh huh !


Well this seems like an odd question from you...since you have so much experience at shooting 500 yards. So much in fact that you want to degrade another member when they said a 24x scope was not needed for 550 yards.

You vast experience had this to say:


Aim small mis small fan i am ! Its like this shoot for center of mass on a man in a shirt i would rather aim on a button on that shirt and that takes a high power scope @ 500 to 600 yards.

And my apologies to the 16X shooter i am just being ****y today !
Aim small mis small fan i am ! Its like this shoot for center of mass on a man in a shirt i would rather aim on a button on that shirt and that takes a high power scope @ 500 to 600 yards.


So which button do you "aim small, miss small" at in picture attached?



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So which button do you "aim small, miss small" at in picture attached?


Personally if i was positive of my hit the upper button and second one down if i was not positive.....

And if there was absolutly no chances of missing the button between the eyes.

And if he had a tee shirt on I would be lost ..... WINK !

Cant beat that old saying Aim small mis small....
Personally if i was positive of my hit the upper button and second one down if i was not positive.....

And if there was absolutly no chances of missing the button between the eyes.


AND that is why the "aim small, miss small" only works on the square gun range where you do not have to worry about target moving. You do not have to worry about target surroundings. You do not have to worry about the TOF since target is not going to change direction/position/location.
In the real world..especially when referring to humans as the intended target; FOV is just as important as magnification. You just shot a member of counter-terrorism team!!

In "Theory" your magnification approach works but in "Practical Applications" it does not work. So many variables come into play such as mirage, fov needed, etc etc.
Just as in "Theory" a .5 inch group at 100 yards would be a simple x5 mathematical equation for 500 yards but in "Practical Applications" it just does not always work like that...So many variables come into play even if conditions are the same.



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AND that is why the "aim small, miss small" only works on the square gun range where you do not have to worry about target moving. You do not have to worry about target surroundings. You do not have to worry about the TOF since target is not going to change direction/position/location.
In the real world..especially when referring to humans as the intended target; FOV is just as important as magnification. You just shot a member of counter-terrorism team!!

In "Theory" your magnification approach works but in "Practical Applications" it does not work. So many variables come into play such as mirage, fov needed, etc etc.
Just as in "Theory" a .5 inch group at 100 yards would be a simple x5 mathematical equation for 500 yards but in "Practical Applications" it just does not always work like that...So many variables come into play even if conditions are the same.


AH ****,,, his fault for being plain clothed and looking like terrorist ! And by the way i would let out a big whistle and for a moment he would stop and look around , just like yotes and most other animals would ! Notice i said most !

And by the way who shoots one handed while digging in his pocket looking for change with the other hand?
To each his own. I personally do not want too much magnification. Mirage, magnification of scope/rifle movement, loss of field of view, and too much eye strain. You can hit a 1000 yd target with a 4x scope. You don't have to see the hair, you just have to be able to quarter the target with the reticle. Would I choose a 4x scope for long range work? No. But if that is all that is available it can be done. But then, for most work I would not choose anything above 16x. Like I said, to each his own. Seems today that too many people think what they do/want is the only "right" thing and want to push that on others. It is not right in this format, or any other, to try and demoralize those who don't see things our way. There is nothing wrong with offering alternatives, especially if they are combined with well thought advice. The sarcasm for those who don't see things "my way", however, has no place in polite conversation.

Just my thoughts when reading this thread.
It's hard telling exactly what the bullet will do. Some bulleta will go to sleep in flight and you could see tighter groups than expected, like 1" groups at 500yards. The bullet could be on the edge of stability and be tight out to 100 yards, but then the goup just falls apart and you could see 12" groups at 500. Or it could follow the linear expansion and be 2.5". Without trying it, you don't trully know. Then you how shooter error playing apart that could muddy up the results. Plus the cartridge in question could be a light bullet 22 hornet that any little wind will throw that bullet everywhere.

So just get out and see what it'll do.

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