Wyoming dogs in fall?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Lizton, IN
A few buddies and me try to pick a western hunt each year. One of them has a bad back and the back country elk hunts are a no-go for him going forward. The idea of a combo antelope/prairie dog week came up. Admittedly I haven't done a lick of work looking into season dates etc. How feasible is it to hunt dogs in the fall during antelope season? Any tips on how to go about locating dog towns for out-of-staters? We'd be DIY so public land/BLM.
Them wyoming prairie dogs can't be much different than a Montana p-dog and I've shot them throughout the winter with snow on the ground. Just need a warmer sunny day with not much wind.
Thanks for the replies. I have not started research yet, but I would need to find somewhere we could get good draw odds or over-the-counter buck tags in decent proximity to dog towns. I also have no idea how to go about locating prairie dogs or how hard it is; we have focused on big game and never encountered them where we hunt.

It would be DIY so public land.
Now looking at antelope area 24, looks like the quota is high enough that non-residents can easily get an any-antelope take and a fistful of doe tags. With dogs both there and in neighboring units.
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