The mearns population is not doing well in S. Az


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2005
Tucson Az
Talked with one of the Game and Fish biologists yesterday. The mearns population didn't reproduce well this year. We had a dry August and September which is critical to nesting as well as the survival of any young that were hatched. Consequently the number of young found is well below average. Covey size and numbers of coveys found is well below average. Quote: "check stations in the Sonoita area to verify our wing barrel sampling. Of the 29 hunters we checked, there were 31 birds harvested. " This type of crash of the population will have anyone that goes out taking their dogs and shotgun for a walk.

The best thing all of us can do is leave them alone and go after gambels or scaled quail. Gambel's population is up slightly up this year.
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