E-Mountain Bikes & car camping


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
I think I'm correct in guessing that most of us use E-MTBs for hunting while car camping unless home is just a short drive away from the hunt area.
So... that means some way of charging your E-MTB after a day or three hunting. As I've posted I have a "system" of a lithium iron phosphate battery (BLUETTI AC200 MAX) charged all day by a 220 watt Off Grid TREK solar blanket, which also runs my cooler all day.

Sadly that inexpensive electric cooler died last year so I bought a real DC cooler with a smaller section that can freeze if needed. It is an ICECO GO20W, their smallest model. I also got a fitted insulated cover for it as much for protection as the added insulation. It's more efficient by drawing less battery DC power (at 40 F. for the entire cooler) than the old one and has a spacey digital control strip on top that reads out the internal temperature. Yeah, this cooler and cover is a bit "spendy" but worth it for the peace of mind that it will last beyond the guarantee. Then too there's the "peace of mind" knowing there will be a cold beer waiting for me in that cooler at the end of a day of scouting/hunting/exploring. ;o) Ain't tech great?

Since I'm using a compact SUV (MAZDA CX-5 2,5 turbo) I tent camp and use a framed shade shelter like you see at farmers' markets. That helps a lot both with sun shade and rain protection for the SuV trunk and tent entrance. This shelter gets staked out with two paracord lines at each corner. To keep the ground between my SUV trunk and the tent from being too dusty or muddy I take along a rolled up runner of synthetic material. I stake it down with gutter spikes.
I also take a comfortable high back folding chair but no table. A folding table just gets in the way. and my trunk has enough space for cooking, dining and water storage. So far I've hunted where there is no nearby water so I bring it in 3 gallon containers but only those with spigots. Three of these are plenty for a week so I take four in case one springs a leak.
Another must is fly paper. Don't ask. As is a container of Baby Wipes. Did I mention beer? ;o) A Tom Clancy type novel helps in non hunting hours that happen in hot mid day periods or driving rain. The car radio is good for news to see if WW III has begun yet and some tunes on Sirus/XM radio like Bluegrass. Gotta have that subscription in Nevada's outback.
What did I miss except a tent for my gun bearer?
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One of these...


...So when all that luxury invariably drains all the electrons out of your car, you can get her fired back up to get home... ;)

I'm a luxury car (4Runner) camper with an e-bike too. Love it.
One of these...

View attachment 570497

...So when all that luxury invariably drains all the electrons out of your car, you can get her fired back up to get home... ;)

I'm a luxury car (4Runner) camper with an e-bike too. Love it.
I have a special wiring I bought to use my BLuETTI battery to charge my car battery. It was less money than the Li-ion charger you have but still pricey.