Recent content by Barrelnut

  1. Barrelnut

    Headspace question

    Never mind. Just saw it "6.5PRC-AW"
  2. Barrelnut

    Headspace question

    ^^^ This ^^^ You need to use a micrometer and measure at the web line of fired and unfired cases and see if that is growing. You may find that the die is not sizing the case down enough at the web and it is growing in diameter after each firing. A cheap digital micrometer off Amazon will work...
  3. Barrelnut

    Forester seater issue

    This is very true. Forest has changed the design of the stems to be thicker and alleviate this to some extent. If you have an older die, it may have one of the thinner stems. Also make sure the stem hasn't cracked. mine have cracked. It will have a small hairline crack that is hard to detect...
  4. Barrelnut

    Note keeping Tips?

    Here's what my spreadsheet template looks like. Print this out for each group of rounds I load and keep it in the box for those rounds. I regroup the columns and rows for whatever I need for that set of rounds. Even keep track of runout, seating depth, etc.
  5. Barrelnut

    Note keeping Tips?

    I keep all the stuff Lance mentions above in an Excel spreadsheet like FEENIX does. Have one for each rifle. About the only difficult thing to do this way is keeps pics of the actual target. It can be done but it's a hassle. Can go back and easily look at load data from years gone by though. Use...
  6. Barrelnut

    Coyote Rifle Optics

    It's a whiskey kina night, Feenix! 🤪
  7. Barrelnut

    Alliant cease production of canister powder

    Seems Europe has been battling a powder shortage for while now with the Ukraine war going on. Check this article out:
  8. Barrelnut

    The power of prayer

    Prayers sent.
  9. Barrelnut

    Hornady marketing

    I think they would get better results working on the uniformity of their bullets.
  10. Barrelnut

    Tipton Cleaning Rod Problems

    I have 4 Tipton rods that I have abused for years. Even contemplating a 5th one... That's for the heads up.
  11. Barrelnut

    Pre fit or custom chambering

    Honestly, I think this is more important than pre-fit, GS or brand. Could be just because the twist is the thing I always mess up though....
  12. Barrelnut

    Tiger Muskie and Prairie dogs

    Dang! Never fished for them myself but have always wanted too. Check this bank fishing for them in Utah. This guy shows everything you need for using a spinning reel for them. Including steel leader and 65 lb. braided line. Looks like a good setup to me. Probably what I would use. Good Luck.
  13. Barrelnut

    Portable shooting bench recommendations

    Good setup. Always better when your seated directly behind the rifle. Like that pad.
  14. Barrelnut

    You thought the prices were bad?

    The chip on you shoulder is weighing you down.