Xp100 rebuild

I need to dig my Nosler M48 out of the safe today, and start working up a Deer Load. The Missouri Deer Season will be here before I know it. I have my Fackler Water Box up and going. I have been testing expansion and penetration of 6.5 Bullets from my SSK 6.5x30JDJ Barreled G2 Contender.
I will try the 120 Sierra Pro Hunter bullets first in the 6.5 Creedmoor. They looked very good at 2345 FPS from the Contender, but I think a little more speed will make them work even better. I have 120 ELD-Match rounds loaded up for the 6.5CM at the moment. I may try that bullet as well, and see what one of them looks like after impact.
I bought a new Roxor Side by Side "pretty much a new Diesel Powered CJ Jeep". I have been perfecting it, and neglecting my Reloading and Shooting. My Hi-Lift Jack Mount will arrive today. When I get the Hi Lift Jack mounted, I will be done working on it for this year.
Finishing up the Roxor Just in time, I have Stands that need some checking over. I am finding Ground Scrapes already. I probably should get a Camera out. I am starting to look forward to Deer Season 2024.

Bob R

Did you get it dug out?
Yes I did, and the 6.5 Creedmoor M48 still shoots very well. The Harrell's Muzzle Brake sure makes it a pleasure to shoot.

I worked with the 120 Sierra Pro Hunter Bullets, the 120 Nosler Ballistic Tip, Hornady 120 ELD-M, Hornady 129 Core Loc, as well as the Sierra 130 Game Changer. All bullets shot fine from the Nosler M48.
The best looking bullet recovered from the Fackler Water Box was the old Hornady 129 Core Loc. For the shooter who wants to put game down with a shoulder shot, this would not be a bad way to go. A perfect mushroom, and the bullet stayed together. The Sierra 120 Pro Hunter bullet looked good. The Sierra 130 Game Changer bullet also looked pretty good.
The 120 ELD-M came unraveled in the water box. I would stay with behind the shoulder broadside shots with this bullet.
I did not recover the core on the Nosler 120 Ballistic Tip. I need to work with this bullet more. The Jacket looked pretty good, with Petals folded back uniformly.

This was a pitiful Deer Season here in South Central Missouri.
We had a BIG Full Moon.
Bumper Acorn Crop followed up with no rain to spoil the Acorns till just before deer season.
The Rut was pretty much over by the Regular Season.
Then just before season started we had a huge rain that filled every water hole, so deer did not need to move to eat or drink.

Not a real big problem, we still have an Antlerless and an Alternative Weapons Season in December. The deer are starting to move around in day light a little more. We have Six Game Cameras out, and we have lots of pictures during Deer Season, almost all on Night Vision. We have plenty of deer, they just were not moving during daylight. That will change, and we will have meat in the freezer in December.
We have a new LEM #22 (1 HP) Meat Grinder as well as a new LEM Meat Tenderizer to try out. We have worked up a Brat Pattie Recipe. We will probably try Breakfast Sausage also this year. My little brother and I are more prepared this year than we have ever been.

Bob R
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