Wyoming hunt

Guy M

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
Chelan Co, Washington
Earlier this week in Wyoming:





Really a hike-in hunt every day, but dang, it was great!
For me nothing beats BACKPACK HUNTING. Congrats on your hunt, your buck. Nice pictures, thanks for posting.
Yeah, this doesn't really qualify, but a heck of a lot of hiking was involved. My buddy and I have backpacked in for days at a time and have done well. This time however we hiked in every day into the drainage, and took two mule deer out of it. He got the buck, I had to settle for a doe. Just didn't see many bucks. Maybe they were up even higher? Likely.

Still we walked in. Found mulies. Shot them, his at 205 mine at 400. Boned them out and packed them out on our backs. It was a good high country, Wyoming hunt.

Next year we may go a week later in the season...

Nice pictures as usual Guy.
Sounds like it was a successful hunt... two animals, lots of hiking, good friend...and beautiful scenery to boot.
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