When is the Montana mule deer rut?

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
By that I mean to ask, when in November does the buck become significantly less nocturnal in his appearances.

Making himself more viewable during legal shooting hours?
Last week of the season Len!! Thats when the big bucks show up. They seem to come out of the woodwork here every year.

Here is last years bucks my son and I took on the same day. Not huge deer but good for our area.


The places I hunt if we don't get some cold weather it happens after the season and that has been the case for several years now
Never hunted Montana but my DIY computer program says that the best time will be between 10:15 AM 4 days before the last day to 1:45 PM on the last day. :D:rolleyes::D
My wife and I have real good luck around the 12th of November. That's her birthday and we always spend a few days in the woods for her birthday party.

We hunt central Montana and the second week in November has been good to her. I've also seen some big papas towards the end of season too, but the second and third week in November seems to be the best time to catch these guys in full swing.
Thanks, all. Keep the info coming please.

Len, one other thing you may want to consider. Although the bigger bucks come out the last week, the snow is also deeper. Depending on where and what elevation you will be hunting, and how you are getting around that could make a differene to you. I say have chains for all 4 and a good long handle shovel and you will be fine.

Last week is it, the colder and deeper the snow the better the muley buck hunting!! I always get trigger happy and end up tagging earlier usually gun)
I just Hope it starts when we get there this year. I hope one in our group gets a wall hanger, Like fishing I could care less if I Catch the big one, but I do like to see one.
Len, if you're going to hunt where I think you are, snow depths shouldn't be too significant, but like Broz said, always have a shovel and chains just in case. I've been seeing lots of bucks lately, but smaller 3x3 and 4x4's. The bigger boys generally start moving around a bit more from around the 10th of November on. The does are going to be around the food and water sources, so the old moss backs will come out of the roughs to find them. My niece managed to get a decent, not huge buck yesterday morning.

As others noted, they are normally out and about the last 2 weeks of the season. I do not know what's going on but the big boys are out early and already on the rut ... very strange since it's been warm. I snapped this picture off my wild game processor ...


Good luck and happy safe hunting.

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