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What would you do


Dec 23, 2008
I want to swap out my scope on my 22-250 Supervarmit Master.

I'm debating between a Leupold Mark 4 in 4.5 -14 or a Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14. What has the better glass?

I actually have a spare Mark 4 that isn't being used. Just trying to decided if I should try a Zeiss conquest as I have heard good things about them, but have no first hand experience.

Like you, I have a MK4 and love it. I have no experience with the Zeiss other than one that I have seen and noticed that the turrets operated in the opposite direction as the Leupold. That might cause some confusion in the field when a quick scope adjustment is needed.
I vote for the Zeiss. Both have great glass but the lash in the parralax adjustment on my Mark 4 is a pain compared to the Zeiss. The only drawback I have with the Zeiss is the adjustments are opposite Leupold. I looked thru a Nightforce thie weekend and was really impressed at the clarity so I thinking of selling the Mark 4 and breaking into the piggy bank to buy a Nightforce.
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