What would be your Dream Hunt???????


Nov 15, 2004
El Reno, OK
With hunting season winding down for alot of us i was kinda thinking about hunts i would like to go on. What would be your absolute dream hunt or hunts to go on before you get called out of this world???????????

Me personnally i would love to go coastal brown bear hunting in Alaska. Seeing the pics from Ian's hunt on the Copper river really set me off on it. I would also love to go hard horned caribou hunting above the artic circle. Northern lights and the tundra, sounds pretty awesome to me.

What are y'alls dream hunts?????????
a chance to hunt out west for elk or mule deer with my dad before he gets to old to do it. hes going to be 69 soon but still gets around pretty good right now
This year WAS my dream hunt, first in a series.;) Will do the same next year either alone or w/someone if the rules of engagement can be agreed upon. It'll be long and boring but interesting and I'll be ready for the shot should it present itself.

Went on a 2 hour "dream hunt" preparation last evening. I sat there for an hour each side of the sun going down. Game all around me (well three yotes that said good bye when I left), too much brush, couldn't see them. I'll continue these preparatory yote hunts throughout this winter, both morning and night, to refine equipment and procedures for the next in the series.

for me it would be a ElK / Muledeer hunt im going to do one more DIY in CO. with my son and if i get skunked ill break out the secret cash pay for one before i get to old to do it

Catshooter, for you i was thinkin something like a nice tabby or persian at around 450yds with a ultra mag!!!! Might have to change your handle if your gonna go after canines as well!!!!:D:D

I would like to thump a big wolf someday, i would like to get a full body mount but that might scare the hell out of me walkin in to my house late at nite!!!! Guess you guys up north are gettin to have quite a problem with those things, to bad the policy makers think its just a thing of beauty :mad:
STX, sounds pretty good. I got a elk hunt planned in CO this next year and if everything goes decent then in 09 i will head back up with my dad for the same. he is a big horse guy so we wanna check out the area first, besides he got screwed so bad on our moose hunt i cant bring myself to take him on another busted hunt!

keep em comin guys, give us all something to dream about for next year!!!!
Gotta add another one. Being as we dont have any wild sheep down here and i aint made of money i would like to go sheep hunting once in my life. if i had to pick one it would be Dall Sheep. that beautiful white coat is just awe inspiring. I am also buying points for a Mt Goat tag in i think ID, gotta check my files. just something about those goats is majestic and kinda evil looking all at the same time.
I am also buying points for a Mt Goat tag in i think ID, gotta check my files. just something about those goats is majestic and kinda evil looking all at the same time.

I've got a life sized mountain goat behind me, looking over my shoulder, as I type this and a 1/2 lifesize black bear looking over the other shoulder. Also got a big six point elk on the living room wall.

My wife has been trying to talk me into going to Africa so that may happen in the next few years. We've got deer, elk and bear all over and sheep do interest me, like you said they do for you.

So......since you said "Dream Hunt".......that kinda means something that I'd normally consider a hunt I'd never go on.

So......for me, it would be Marco Polo Sheep. Beautiful animals with huge horns in totally amazing country. Hmmmmm....maybe some day if I win the lottery.;):rolleyes:;)

All my life I have loved those huge animals and always wanted to hunt one.

I would want to shoot it at least 1000yards away with my 338WBX

The hugest big male with a beautifull hide to turn into a large rug.
Only problem they don't live here in Australia and unless I win the lottery I will never afford it.

Cheers Bill
Catshooter, for you i was thinkin something like a nice tabby or persian at around 450yds with a ultra mag!!!! Might have to change your handle if your gonna go after canines as well!!!!:D:D

Well... I'm not so old (but don't ask my Rug Rat), that I'm so set in my ways as to not be willing to try something else ;)

I'll try Wolves.

Actually, I have a family member that raises pedigreed Kobe cattle, and she has asked me on a number of occasions to "come on down for a visit... and bring that rifle of yours".

She occasionally has problems with packs feral dogs, and yotes. Normally, the cattle can defend themselves, but during calving season, it's an expensive problem. A pedigreed Kobe calf is worth the price of a nice car.

I used to whack the dogs with a 300WM, but the bullets were like the Everyready Bunny... they went through the dogs, and kept on going and going and going and going.

So she ponied up the cash for a new rifle a while back - a Sendero-II SS SF, in .264WM... it is down right un-Godly in what it does to a 40 pound canine, with 95gr V-Maxs at 3700fps.

So - there...
... I CAN shoot somfin besides cats ;) ;)

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Alaska Tundra at the base of a mountain range in a drop camp for black bear and wolf. Late summer after the berries are ripe when the bears are gorging them selfs for winter.

I think just the remoteness of the Alaska frontier is in itself a trip of a lifetime.

Second choice would be NZ mountain Red Stag.
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