What tall bipod or should it be a tall tripod for a spot and stalk elk hunt?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2012
North Carolina
I've been fairly indecisive about choosing a "tall" (for standing shots) bipod or tripod for my upcoming elk hunt. I would love to hear your thoughts and input. Thanks in advance for your help!
Tripod is king for standing shots. More points of contact on the ground, more ability to brace yourself and the rifle, more head choices for clamping to your rifle, and you have the ability to use it for glassing too. Outdoorsmans, Slik, RRS, Gitzo, and FLM are all great options depending on your budget.
I'm not a fan of bipods. I've found them inflexible, they shift the balance of the rifle and they tend to jump or bounce at the shot which differs depending on the ground your shooting over. If I can go prone I shoot over my pack. If I need support for a sitting or kneeling shot I generally stand my pack on end. I generally don't shoot off-hand past 200 yards. In all positions I have a Murray Leather 1A in a hasty sling around my arm. I find proper form to include the sling far more supportive and accurate than over the counter "material" solutions to a human problem (lack of training).
I've always hunted with a bipod but have only shot one animal with it. I haven't been able to get into a prone position in the other situations. Last year I shot two animals with a tripod at 350. For the pronghorn I was standing and elk I was sitting. Starting this year I'm no longer bringing a bipod, just a tripod. That's how I plan to hunt Africa, too.
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The African Shooting Sticks might be another alternative for you. I used mine to shoot a bison.
Anyone try Viperflex?
I've been fairly indecisive about choosing a "tall" (for standing shots) bipod or tripod for my upcoming elk hunt. I would love to hear your thoughts and input. Thanks in advance for your help!
The three legged Primos tall trigger stick is a great option. You will find they are also great for glassing. I don't go out without them anymore.
i have both the primos tripod trigger unit and various bipods. they each have their benefits.
I've used both on hunts with great success.
if you are shooting long distance i feel the bipod is more stable, but i also dont attempt long range while standing. for me anything over 400-500 is long range. i havent taken a standing shot on game longer than 200-250 yards. but the tall trigger tripod makes those shots much more comfortable.
the longer shots i use the bipod and get prone.

good luck and shoot straight!!
i'll add that i much prefer a prone shot to standing if im able. the last true body supported standing shot i took on a deer i shot about 110 yards and couldn't see vitals from the ground due to grasses, so standing it was. one shot and the WT buck fell on the spot.
a few minutes later when i was filling a doe tag on one that moved out further, i used my bipod while prone or sitting i dont recall and at 375 yrds it also died with one shot.

whatever you select - practice with it in various shooting positions. practice at least a time or two a month for several months in different conditions. you won't regret being comfortable making shots in various conditions or positions.
I like the tall/long Primos Trigger Sticks (monopod, bipod and tripod) because they are so much faster to adjust height than any of the other options. They are not as steady as some of the other options, but I think more than adequate steadiness. Especially if compared to shooting offhand or leaning against a tree that may be blowing in the wind. I use a monopod in tree stands since some stands don't have shooting rails or the rails are the wrong height for where the animal is standing. The rapid Triggerstick allows me to adjust the height continually and very rapidly as the animal moves. I use the bipod and tripods for walking or ground blinds. The Primos Triggersticks are usually much lighter to carry than the other options which is also a benefit, but again you sacrifice some stability to get lightness with all of them. Adjusting each leg individually is really a pain to me and very slow. All 3 Triggersticks adjust with a single trigger mechanism. The tall Triggerstick's legs can also be splayed out to get a very low profile, but if prone, I'd rather use my pack or something else.
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I really like Rudolph Optics shooting sticks. You can get tall for standing or short for sitting or adjustable height sticks.

With them I can readily shoot one inch groups at 100 yards.

I've shot lots of game off Harris bipods, but in steep (elk) country, I've found shooting sticks to be more versatile. Shooting downhill on steep terrain, I've had to put the bipod on top of my boots to get the right angle. Shooting steep uphill, I had to find a log to rest them on. Lightweight folding sticks are convenient to carry, and quick to deploy, and they have a much larger range of adjustment than a bipod. They are also much lighter. I carried a Primos trigger tripod for another hunter. It is heavy and cumbersome for walking, and too noisy to use as a walking stick, but works well if you need a standing shot. I've never needed to take a standing shot on an elk hunt in NM, and only once was able to take a prone shot.

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