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What should i take?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
South Central PA
What should i take? PICS ADDED

I am going on a Texas Dall hunt next month (Sept 13) and having trouble making up my mind on what i should take. Was told all shots would be under 250yds so it does not have to be a long range rig. I am very comfortable making any shot under 250 yards with all my rifles so here are your choices. So if you had to choose which one would you take.

243 Super Rockchucker (243-06) Shooting 95g Berger at 3500fps
25-06 Savage 112 Shooting 115g Berger at 3200fps
257 Weatherby Vanguard Shooting 115g Nosler BT at 3300fps
7mm STW Weatherby MK V Shooting 168g Berger at 3230fps
308 Remington VLS Shooting 175g SMK at
30-06 Remington 710 Shooting 155g Berger at 3100fps
30-06 Winchester 70 Shooting 155g Berger at 3050fps
300WSM Savage 111 Shooting 168g SMK at 3100fps
338 Lapua Shooting 300g Berger at 2840fps

let me know which one and why.
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Which ever one you shoot the best. They are all good choices, however, I am partial to the .257Wtby. Love that caliber!
I would probably take the 7 STW for it's all round capability.

The Dall sheep are not huge but they are tough and need a good energy cal to bring them down.

With the STW you should have a good 200 to 250 zero and know where it will hit out to 400
yards because you never now when the trophy of a lifetime will appear and how far.

I have seen many people that were not prepaired to shoot over 200 yards lose a great animal
that was well withen the capability of there rifle because they did not know where the POI was
at greater distances.

I admire anyone that passes on an animal because of there concerns of a good shot so I highly
recomend that some shooting/practice is done at 300 and 400 yards before going on a special
hunt like this.

The STW is flat shooting enough to get a 5" maximum point range zero (Will hit withen a 5" circle)
to cover 0 to 400 yards with no hold over, so that is the reason I would chose the Big 7.

Just my opinion.

I would probably take the 7 STW for it's all round capability.

The Dall sheep are not huge but they are tough and need a good energy cal to bring them down.

With the STW you should have a good 200 to 250 zero and know where it will hit out to 400
yards because you never now when the trophy of a lifetime will appear and how far.

I have seen many people that were not prepaired to shoot over 200 yards lose a great animal
that was well withen the capability of there rifle because they did not know where the POI was
at greater distances.

I admire anyone that passes on an animal because of there concerns of a good shot so I highly
recomend that some shooting/practice is done at 300 and 400 yards before going on a special
hunt like this.

The STW is flat shooting enough to get a 5" maximum point range zero (Will hit withen a 5" circle)
to cover 0 to 400 yards with no hold over, so that is the reason I would chose the Big 7.

Just my opinion.


Thanks J E
I was leaning toward the 7STW. I have shot it out to 650 yards and it performs great. Killed a doe last year at 580 with it. Still not sure though kinda leaning toward the 300wsm as well. Hmmmmm.......
What an excellent choice to have. If I were you, here's are my top 3:

1. Another vote for the 7 STW.

2. .300 WSM as a very close second.

3. .338 LM.

Good luck and happy safe hunting. Please take lots of pix to share.

What a terrible decision you have to make! So many rifles to choose from. I wish I had the same problem. (as do most here I'm sure)

I say 7 or 300wsm. All will get the job done though.
If your debating between the 7 and the 300 even though people keep saying 7 then that means that you secretly want to take the 300. I say go for it and take the 300. wsm. My caliber of choice would be the 300. wsm. Fast, flat, hard hitting, and easy to shoot. You say your comfortable with shooting the 7 out to 600 yards or so. How far are you comfortable with shooting the 300. wsm cause you will never know how far that trophy will be.

I am doing my first moose hunt this year and i am comfortable shooting my 300. wsm out to 500 yards or so and i have never taken my 7mm rem mag out past 250 yards. I am taking my 300. wsm due to the fact of what everyone is saying. You never know how far your trophy maybe standing.

300. wsm all the way!
You had better take two rifles. You always need to take a back up rifle in case Murphy shows up. You should know about Murphy's Law. I am partial to the 25-06 myself. It or the 7 STW would be my pick for the primary rifle and the other would be the back up just in case.
You have some very nice rifles there, but I would definitely take the 7stw. It is perfect for sheep, but the biggest reason is that from what you said you have done more long range shooting and killed a doe at long range also with this rifle. It sounds like you have more experience and confidence in this rifle. So that is the one you want with you when that sheep steps out at 550. Take a lot of pics to share. Good luck and have a great hunt.
Ok it seems that most of you have chosen the 300 WSM or the 7mm STW. Even when i asked my brother he told me the same thing so as i have been told its always a good idea to take two guns that is what i will do. Here are the pictures of what i will be taking. I would post a pic of the 300WSM with something i killed with it but unfortunatly i have not killed anything with it YET ( only had it about 6-7 months). Odds are if im walking around doing a spot and stalk hunt the WSM will be the one i grab. If im sitting it may be the STW. Although i have not killed any game with it yet i have tons of confidence in the WSM. I have shot targets out to 1000yds and am very impressed with its abilitys. Well here you go as promised the pics of the guns. Im sure some of you have seen them before.


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