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what should i build?


Oct 21, 2010
im new to long range shooting mostly just hunted but intrested in the chalenges this brings. i dont have a rifle capable of much now so i want to build one. were should i start? what should i go with? i have looked breifly into 6.5x284 and it seems up my aille but hear they have a short barrel life.
Keep it simple for starters. I recommend a proven 7mm Rem Mag or 7 WSM and a VLD bullet or Amax or Accubond 2nd choices.

Get a 9 twist or 9.5 twist barrel with a canted or Russian style land for ease of cleaning. I'd try a 168 or 180 VLD first and make sure the builder has the right lead angle appropriate for the VLD style bullets.

My second recommendation is a 300 WSM with a 185 or 190 VLD. That gets you into a 30 cal, with plenty of powder, no belted case. Get an 11 twist bbl.
im new to long range shooting mostly just hunted but intrested in the chalenges this brings. i dont have a rifle capable of much now so i want to build one. were should i start? what should i go with? i have looked breifly into 6.5x284 and it seems up my aille but hear they have a short barrel life.

It kind of depends on your budget....

If you have a limited budget, go with an off the shelf rifle like a Savage or a Remingto 700 SPS Varmint. Both are good platforms and you can build/upgrade/improve them as your budget allows.

Here's the write-up of my 308. Read it all the way to the end and you will see it transorm into a full-custom 260....


Although my rifle is a Remington, you can do similar type of upgrades to a Savage.

In terms of caliber, I think you can get a Savage in 6.5x284, but you are right that it is a known barrel-burner. So another caliber may be a better choice if barrel life is a concern for you.

It would be helpful to know your intended use to give a more informed recommendation on caliber. Given that you said 6.5x284 I will assume you will be hunting deer size game or smaller. In that case, a good 'beginner' caliber is 308.
i don't know much about savages but there is site that tells how to build. if you have a .270 and want to change maybe a 280 or a 6.5-06. i have two 6.5-284's i like them.
It kind of depends on your budget....

If you have a limited budget, go with an off the shelf rifle like a Savage or a Remingto 700 SPS Varmint. Both are good platforms and you can build/upgrade/improve them as your budget allows.

Here's the write-up of my 308. Read it all the way to the end and you will see it transorm into a full-custom 260....


Although my rifle is a Remington, you can do similar type of upgrades to a Savage.

In terms of caliber, I think you can get a Savage in 6.5x284, but you are right that it is a known barrel-burner. So another caliber may be a better choice if barrel life is a concern for you.

It would be helpful to know your intended use to give a more informed recommendation on caliber. Given that you said 6.5x284 I will assume you will be hunting deer size game or smaller. In that case, a good 'beginner' caliber is 308.

i have a savage .270 now which i use for deer and coyote. i was looking at the 6.5x284 because i can buy it factory from savage and me and my friends are getting into long range target shooting. im looking at 30-40 rounds a month now so im sure the barel would last a wile at that rate. come next year ill prolly use it for woodchucks for sure but proly the most. small budget for my first in this class. eventialy i would like to try a custom rem dont know what caliber tho. try and stay away from 338 cuz $$$ from what i have seen. i hope that helps.
i have a savage .270 now which i use for deer and coyote. i was looking at the 6.5x284 because i can buy it factory from savage and me and my friends are getting into long range target shooting. im looking at 30-40 rounds a month now so im sure the barel would last a wile at that rate. come next year ill prolly use it for woodchucks for sure but proly the most. small budget for my first in this class. eventialy i would like to try a custom rem dont know what caliber tho. try and stay away from 338 cuz $$$ from what i have seen. i hope that helps.

A factory Savage in 6.5x284 would be a great platform to start a build. A buddy of mine has a Savage in 300win mag with the factory barrel and with handloads, it shoots .5moa all day long.

Another friend of mine just emailed me some questions about the Savage Long-Range Hunter. (I think that might be the rifle you're looking at). It is offered in 308, 300wsm, 25-06, 6.5x284, 7mag and 300win mag. Among those, my choices would be the 300wsm or the 6.5x284. The only advantage the 300wsm might provide is great barrel life. Other than that, the 6.5 smokes the 300.

The other thing to consider in your project is optics. The old adage rings true...buy the BEST you can afford...you will not regret it.
A factory Savage in 6.5x284 would be a great platform to start a build. A buddy of mine has a Savage in 300win mag with the factory barrel and with handloads, it shoots .5moa all day long.

Another friend of mine just emailed me some questions about the Savage Long-Range Hunter. (I think that might be the rifle you're looking at). It is offered in 308, 300wsm, 25-06, 6.5x284, 7mag and 300win mag. Among those, my choices would be the 300wsm or the 6.5x284. The only advantage the 300wsm might provide is great barrel life. Other than that, the 6.5 smokes the 300.

The other thing to consider in your project is optics. The old adage rings true...buy the BEST you can afford...you will not regret it.

well i didnt notice they offered that caliber in that model i was looking at the 12 f class biggest difference is 2inch longer heavyer barrel and short action vs long, so i think ill go with the target one in 6.5x284 barrel life aint much im worried about any time soon.
as for optics i would like luipold but dont know if they have one around 5-8 havent looked much.
well i didnt notice they offered that caliber in that model i was looking at the 12 f class biggest difference is 2inch longer heavyer barrel and short action vs long, so i think ill go with the target one in 6.5x284 barrel life aint much im worried about any time soon.
as for optics i would like luipold but dont know if they have one around 5-8 havent looked much.

6.5x284....great choice for your application.

5-8...hundred dollars?
6.5x284....great choice for your application.

5-8...hundred dollars?

yeah im thinking ill like it, hope so anyways lol.

dollars my bad on that. i also want it to have good turets and adjustments. got a bsa on my toss around rifel and does the job good but the turets dont really zero back good and lock screws are cheap. never owned luipold but hear their very good.
5-8 hundred bucks...you can get a nice piece of glass for that. Leupold is nice and there are several that would fit for your application. I personally have two MK4s. I will be upgrading to Nightforce soon though.

Check-out Sightron too. Four of my friends use them. They are great.

Sightron 6-24x50 SIII 30mm Riflescope

I checked the SWFA website because I knew I could find this link quickly. I know you can find this particular scope for less than listed.
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