What oil is best for inside of barrels after a cleaning?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
What oil is best in a barrel after a thorough cleaning. Please only respond if you own a borescope and have actually looked at a barrel months after oiling. Thanks
G96 looks interesting
G-96 was originally designed for the Aerospace Industry NASA.
We use it on all our firearms. Comes in Aerosol.
We also use TW25b Synthetic Gun Grease on areas where a lot of metal-to-metal or metal to polymers contact.
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I'm looking to use it to prevent rust on the inside of a gun barrel
Give you barrel a good cleaning and spray G-96 in the barrel. Then run a patch though it leaving a thin coating. All our firearm are coated with G-96 and then in the safe. Never had any issues with rust. If you read up on G-96 it leaves a coating on metal.
Eezox is what I use, it dries and doesn't collect dust. In a test of gun oils which is on the internet Eezox scored amongst the top 3 oils they tested. It also holds up very well to salt water. Barrels that had a patch with Eezox put through them 3 or more years ago still look perfect when I look with my Hawkeye borescope.