What Action


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
i going to start looking in the pawns shops for a savage action for next project. i know nothing about their actions so i need a little help.

here is what i want to do. I want a SA i want to rebarrel in a 338 wsm. I want it to be a repeater. What model # would be first choice? Are there any other models that savage makes that would work? Any info would be appreciated.
I'd look for a large shank action. They will be tough to find used, as that will limit you to basically WSM actions. The good news there, the bolt face will be correct.

Why not buy a cheap new Savage and sell the barrel and stock? Probably get $25+ for a plastic stock, up to $100 for a laminate, get at least $75 for the barrel (depending on contour etc.). If you can find a new action with the correct bolthead for $400, that would give you the action/trigger for $300 or so.

A small shank action will work, however you will probably need to change the bolt head (another $50 or so).

Depending what you plan on doing for a stock, the following rifle would be a perfect starting point, the trigger should be good, the stock is usable and all you'd need to do is change the barrel. The nice thing about the Model 12 is that the Accutrigger has the medium springs in it, so its ready to go. Most of the other Accutrigger's have heavier springs than I care for. The target action Accutrigger has the lightest springs.

GunBroker.com guns: Savage 12 12BVSS Varminter .300 WSM (item: 88071599 ends: Dec-23-07 08:17:06 AM)


If you're going with the WSM make sure you get a Controlled feed action, not the Push feed. The cheapest of these is the 11g I believe.

If you can't find a used gun try Emailing Jim Briggs at [email protected] I've gotten a couple of actions from him, he's been a standup guy to do business with.

control feed

thanks wingman you answered another question i was thinking about. I knew there were several different types just didn't know what i needed. Bh thanks for savage link. Now i see they have a center feed wonder if that's supposed to be better?
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