Thinking about Dall Sheep hunt


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
Thinking about a Dall Sheep Hunt and looking for outfitter and places to look into. Suggestions?
Thanks a bunch for the recommendation Len - your site is super. I have some great hunts left for both sheep and grizzly Takman, and will be glad to talk with you more. FYI After 3-4 weeks of 20-30 below, then 1-2 weeks of 30-45 above, Alaska temperatures seem to have stabilized in the near normal range. I have 16 degrees now at my place.
Could you explain more about exactly what a "Sole Use Guide Concession" is? I did a Google on the term it seems a lot of outfitters use the terminology. My guess is that guides have to compete / bid for specifc tracks of land. ??

Is this conession granted through the state, or is it an agreement between you and other outfitters? I would also assume that the term is in reference to out of state hunters and that there may be some pressue from in state hunters?? If it is through the state, is there a chance you could loose this concession?

Enjoyed your moose videos! Nothing like seeing my 3 year old making moose calls after watching them with me! :)
"Sole Use" means that I am the only outfitter that can conduct hunts there. Mine is a federal concession with the National Park Service and runs through 2017. I could lose it if I violate the terms of the contract, but I don't intend to do that. I've had the original portion of this concession since 1986, and then it was expanded to almost double in size in 2007. Concessions don't limit resident use, but I have enough room where I haven't had resident conflicts to date.
I had a prospective client contact me last week, that hunted on state land last year and got burned. He said there were 4 operators in the same drainage, and he won't hunt with anyone again who doesn't have an exclusive area. I still have 3 good sheep spots left for 2009.
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