The Hornets nest discussion, cleaners, lubes, clp


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2013
NW NC Mtns
I know this is a topic where everyone has their favorite. Well, I tested them. I spent hundreds $ testing about everything out there over the past 4 yrs. I tested them on guns, period. I tested stand lone cleaners, lubes and also CLPs. To name just a few, Hoppe 9, break free, mili-tec, slip 2k, clenzoil, Eezox, Ballistol, Eds red and I could go on for hours. Testing included removing powder fouling, hard packed bore carbon, carbon rings, toxicity, damage to wood and plastic, corrosion protection, lubrication, and gumming and drying out. After 22 years in the military I learned to HATE clp. I've cleaned hunting rifles, M-16, M-60, 1911, M-9, M-2, M-14, and M-1 carbines. I really thought a dedicated cleaner would win the cleaning aspect and a dedicated lube would win in lubrication and rust prevention. In some cases one thing killed a product and in others they were just a total joke. I know this is a sore topic and the haters will be all over it but I certainly satisfied my curiosity.
In the end, a CLP took it, as much as I hate to say it, it did and it amazed me. If I had to go to war anywhere and in any environment, this is the stuff I want with me. No, I dont work for them and I bought all the products with my own money.

Thanks for posting. I have all but given up on the one product that does it all. I've been using hoppes #9 for normal bore maintenance and then boretech when the rifle tells me it needs it. For a lubricant I use birchwood Casey synthetic gun oil on my semi auto pistols and for a protectant for wood stocks and metal I use clenzoil.
I hate having to use a different product for each application.
On your recommendation I will give it a try.