Talk me out of the 7mm wsm

I wouldn't swap my 7WSM for mainly use as a whitetail gun. Using the 143 Hammer with 68gr RL26 in Hornady brass with Fed 215GM is good for 3325 fps in a factory Savage 16 with 24" barrel. Maybe not a true long range setup but plenty energy and velocity left at 700+ yards. Very good shooting cartridge. Just glad can buy brass now.
I wouldn't swap my 7WSM for mainly use as a whitetail gun. Using the 143 Hammer with 68gr RL26 in Hornady brass with Fed 215GM is good for 3325 fps in a factory Savage 16 with 24" barrel. Maybe not a true long range setup but plenty energy and velocity left at 700+ yards. Very good shooting cartridge. Just glad can buy brass now.

I had to load 72.0gr RE26 in my 25" Bartlein barreled rifle to get 3,350 in Win 7WSM cases with the 143 Hammer bullets. Your rifle is fast!
Ultimately, I settled on RE23 for better accuracy.
I had to load 72.0gr RE26 in my 25" Bartlein barreled rifle to get 3,350 in Win 7WSM cases with the 143 Hammer bullets. Your rifle is fast!
Ultimately, I settled on RE23 for better accuracy.
I load RL23 in my 7wsm also with 150gr Bergers at 3250 in a 25".
I had to load 72.0gr RE26 in my 25" Bartlein barreled rifle to get 3,350 in Win 7WSM cases with the 143 Hammer bullets. Your rifle is fast!
Ultimately, I settled on RE23 for better accuracy.

Yes a fast chamber and barrel combo. I have an older flatop non accutrigger Savage 7WSM that shoots the same load of 68gr RL26 with all same components and it runs out at 3,175. No pressure and could no doubt bring speed up with more powder but easier to load same for both guns.
I'm running 67.2 gr RE23 to get 3,200 ft/sec. I think I've got some room for growth.
Would you mind sharing your load?
200 yards
Might have to translate.

150gr Berger Classic Hunter HBN coated .015" jump.
67.6 gr Reloder 23
210 match primer
3257 fps average
6 fps extreme spread
2 fps standard deviation
6 shots at .497 moa
5 shots at .398 moa
Shot from hunting bag at 200 yards no rear rest.
Might have to translate.

150gr Berger Classic Hunter HBN coated .015" jump.
67.6 gr Reloder 23
210 match primer
3257 fps average
6 fps extreme spread
2 fps standard deviation
6 shots at .497 moa
5 shots at .398 moa
Shot from hunting bag at 200 yards no rear rest.

That's impressive speed. I'm looking to get about 3,300 ft/sec from the 143 Hammer bullets. Looks like I should be able to get there.
7mm WSM ammo
Low to High $

But, will the fat cartridge feed well from the magazine passed the rails into the chamber?
You might have to go to a single column detachable magazine conversion.
And that usually requires custom fitting.
I've had no problems with feeding at all in any of my rifles
That said, any set up - detachable or drop bottom set up originally for the WSM should feed without issue
A competent smith can address the feed ramps if needed but a single stack mag with the right follower will still be needed
I shot my 7 mm wsm today out to 916 yards and it was amazing. I had a Kelbly built gun, with a Brux #4 barrel , 24" 1 in 9 twist. Topped it with a March tactical scope.
I had another 7 wsm in a carbon fiber Christensen, but I could not get it to group like I wanted. I fire formed a ton of Norma 300 WSM brass to fit my 7 and now I have a tack driving machine. I also have some winchester brass and it is OK but not as good as the Norma. I trim the necks on the norma once fire formed. I load 64 gr. H4831 ext. sc, use federal match primers, jump the bullet .020, and I'm getting 2950 fps. out of a berger 180 vld. Love that gun !!
For Remington Model 7 "Stealth" DBM for AICS Mags (Bottom metal)
7mm AND .300 Winchester Short Magnum DSSF Magazines
For 7mm AND .300 SAUM too.
Choose 3-rd. or 7-rd. magazines.
(Wyoming hunters may exceed 5-rds.)


SEVIERVILLE, TN 37876-0231

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