Sure like LRH Forum.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2014
Billings MT
So I checked out a designated bird hunt/bird dog type forum today. I'm in the beginning stages of learning and was hoping to learn something.
What I learned was, the forum members were kind of rude to each other and seemed a little arrogant. I guess LRH has spoiled me a little bit.
No, I have a little Golden Retriever. We hunted North Dakota for the first time last year. She's the first dog I've tried to train. She doesn't know a lot of commands and we probably would get laughed off of some expensive hunting lodge for improper etiquette. All that being said we went out on public land last year and killed a few wild birds. My little dog and I are now hooked and I'm still trying to learn what I can when I get time. I'm in the process of moving to Montana soon so this season we will be starting over finding places to hunt.
I do have a young male golden that is very skittish. Any tips on breaking a dog into gunfire slowly. He jumps at the sound of the slide racking on my pistol. I don't know if he will ever be a gun dog.
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Awesome! I live in Montana & also pheasant hunt quite a bit. So when I bought my last pointer i just watched a ton of YouTube videos & spent every night after work with my dog & it happened to work out good, I'm not experienced training dogs but Goldens are super smart & seem to be easier to train. So when ACE was a puppy I would take him out the Clay/Skeet range every weekend, Park as far away as I could keep him on a leash & walk slowly all the way over to the shooters. Gave him treats pet him then had him sit while we watched the shooters....this worked awesome for me
I can give that a try. My little female never really seemed to be bothered much at all by loud noises. The male is totally opposite.
I have always introduced gun fire to a young dog while there were other non gun shy dogs around. Let the dogs play a bit then we would shoot a few clay pigeons. Pup never seemed to mind the shots while there were other dogs there keeping its mind on other things. Not perfect but worked for me
I have always introduced gun fire to a young dog while there were other non gun shy dogs around. Let the dogs play a bit then we would shoot a few clay pigeons. Pup never seemed to mind the shots while there were other dogs there keeping its mind on other things. Not perfect but worked for me
I tried that a little with my other dog and blanks in my 22 pistol. He was around 40 or 50 yards away and when the blank went off he would drop what he was doing and head for the house.
So I checked out a designated bird hunt/bird dog type forum today. I'm in the beginning stages of learning and was hoping to learn something.
What I learned was, the forum members were kind of rude to each other and seemed a little arrogant. I guess LRH has spoiled me a little bit.
Yeah, this is a great forum. I think it has even gotten better since Len cleared out some of the bad actors this past year. However, it takes all of us to maintain respect for each and every member.
So I checked out a designated bird hunt/bird dog type forum today. I'm in the beginning stages of learning and was hoping to learn something.
What I learned was, the forum members were kind of rude to each other and seemed a little arrogant. I guess LRH has spoiled me a little bit.

I'm not surprised, after doing the same many years ago I only found this site to be friendly and knowledgeable at the same time. Without someone like Len, with his at the wheel, the other sites don't have much.

Every three or fore years, I used the get on some of them and read post to see if they had changed. They had not, so I stopped checking. Sounds like nothing has changed.:(

I would be surprised if you couldn't get help in your new interest on this site.

HNDLR, I wouldn't get discouraged with the site due to some rude people. I can tell you that I have had the same experience with some of the people on here; however, for the most part that is the exception and not the rule. Like any site, it is important to sort through the good information and the bad, and take away with what you can get form it. When I/you get a person who is rude or an ***, if you "left click" on their profile there's a little box at the bottom that says "IGNORE", if you click onto that box you'll will never have to see their postings again; PROBLEM SOLVED!! I just did this in another thread where someone was looking for help with a particular make rifle. What the respondent wrote was total BS and the guy was being an idiot to the OP telling him that his rifle was junk and going to blow up and kill him; left click and ignore!! From what I have read on this thread so far, there's some good advice for you and your dog.
I've been training springers going on 43 years and never start out with a gun. I start with two short pieces of 2x4 lumber and start clapping them together (quietly at first ) when the pup is otherwise distracted. Having other dogs that have been acclimated to guns is also a plus. I then progress to 22 rifle, then 22 pistol and on to shotguns. Be careful to shoot away from the pup at first. Be patient. Time is your friend.

I believe dogs are best acclimated to loud sounds during their first 8 weeks. i took delivery of my 12 year old at a water test hunt. The whole litter were in a baby playpen sound asleep just 20 yards from the gunners.
So I checked out a designated bird hunt/bird dog type forum today. I'm in the beginning stages of learning and was hoping to learn something.
What I learned was, the forum members were kind of rude to each other and seemed a little arrogant. I guess LRH has spoiled me a little bit.
I appreciate exactly what you are saying. On ANY board there is always a tiny smathering of those, (ie; Whatever I own is best, I'm ex-special forces & GI Joe with a blend of No Such Agency, FBI & CIA, or you're just stupid & I know everything PLUS I'm always right no matter...etc), but I have enjoyed my brief time here and it was easy to come to appreciate and respect almost everyone here! I do not think that I have ever seen so much wisdom, knowledge, & experience all in one place and I sincerely respect and appreciate that!
I BD always used a cap pistol or a 22 blank or a primed pistol case too.... unlike you though I did it when the puppy was just fed and eating.

Start further away and over a few days/weeks get closer and closer. Be in a position where you or someone with you can watch the dogs reaction.

Ultimately I was able to stand next to the pup and food and shoot the noise maker!!

Don't know how it might or might not work on an older dog. Give it a try; dogs like to eat ... lol
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