There is nothing more powerful than a Supreme Court decision.
Yes that is true, but the Supreme court is being ATTACKED everyday by the Liberal Crazies and our Congress is does noting or procrastinating to protect Justices. Also the Attorney General of the United States is not doing his job along with the Justice Dept.
Title 18, Section 1507 of the US Code makes it illegal to picket or parade in front of a courthouse or a judge's home with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice or with the intent of influencing any Judge.
Indviduals found in volitation of this law could be fined, sentenced to one year n prison or both.
The Title 18 Section 1507 is being broken every day and the President along with the Attorney General is doing nothing!!!
I live here. Nothing funny about it.
Our right to carry will always be under attack.
Our leaders write laws rooted based in emotion and deception and it is extremely hard to get them thrown out.
Labor shortages abound. I raised three working young adults. (Amen) 2/3 have left, probably for good.
My baby girl should which would break my heart.
That is what is really going on here.
Sorry for the rant.
It's about dang time, "we the people", have taken prior gun ruling up the shorts for a very long time and it's about time that the tide has changed. Constitutional gun rights were restored a lot. The expected reversal of Roe v Wade, which was an unconstitutional granted right is about to be flushed down the toilet as it should be, what next honest elections. We can hope, but that may even be too big of a wish dream after watching the SC wash their hands in the 2020 election and dumping the following lawsuits without an honest hearing.
I live here. Nothing funny about it.
Our right to carry will always be under attack.
Our leaders write laws rooted based in emotion and deception and it is extremely hard to get them thrown out.
Labor shortages abound. I raised three working young adults. (Amen) 2/3 have left, probably for good.
My baby girl should which would break my heart.
That is what is really going on here.
Sorry for the rant.
In your case and those of a few other states, I prefer to call them elected idiots because they are not leaders of "free men and women", only the opposite. I try hard not to inject politics on this site because that's not what it's about but this thread gives me somewhat of a chance to express my views. After the election of 2020 we now know how those loon democrats keep getting reelected, they rolled it out national to beat Trump. With them being in charge it'll be hard to fix unless in every election y'all can muster up enough votes to oust them that even if they cheat they still can't win. Rant over.
And yet congress is currently passing new "bi-partisan gun controll" laws as we speak--- increasing more strict bgc's for under 21, incouraging red flag laws, etc.
Yea and one of my RINO senators, part of the time anyway and this was a big one when he went along with this crap. Even at the Republican Party Platform convention, they denounced senator cornyn as losing touch with Texans.
I hope this ends his career because his eye is on the speaker position and he will do anything to get it once mitch mcconnel steps down. senator cornyn is compromised and is no longer fit for a Texas Senator imo.

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