So you think powder is hard to find? Look for an upright freezer!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Took me 5 months and finally located a 20 cu-ft upright freezer (Frigidaire) and it was actually locally. I just happened to call a very small appliance shop and they said they just got a few in and I went over immediately and yep they had 3! I bought one on the spot and it was delivered yesterday only 5 days after I bought it! How's that for service! Two young guys from their shop brought it in using a shoulder back sling setup and they were amazing! The carried it down stairs into basement and never set it down nor touched a wall or appliance. It was placed perfectly. Yes they got a pretty darn good tip! I would have been in the ER trying to put that down in basement plus the stairwell would look like a tornado went through it! :eek:I have friends that were looking and I told them immediately but guess what they sold out right after I bought mine!So anyone else having trouble finding a freezer?

Made me think of H1000 or RL26!!
Just heard f this shortage a couple days ago. A friend has a couple fat steers ready, but nobody has freezer room and can't find even a little Costco chest freezer.
Good thing I bought another one before Covid hit because the 350 lbs of butchered moose meat had to go somewhere! With a little luck, a nice fat whitetail will need to squeeze in there too.

While we are on the subject - how long do you store game meat in your freezers?
My freezer went out and I replaced it right before covid. Literally, within a week of me buying mine, there were none to be found.

Varmint hunter, if your meat is properly packaged, meaning wrapped in plastic and then high quality freezer paper, or vacuum packed, it should easily last a year in the freezer.
I feel your pain my fridge went out about 6 weeks ago went to replace it still cannot find the one we want we moved the garage beer fridge back inside for now
Has anyone seen the elusive mason jar or lids lately. Was trying to find a few more wide mouth quarts and sure found them on amazon at 60 dollars a dozen not happening
The sad part of all this was I had to refrain from shooting a deer with bow until I got my "game" chest freezer back! So I went out last night and promptly screwed up a shot at a nice buck! Need to get my MoJo back so I don't do stupid crap when a shooter is nearby. Never got shot off which is what ticked me off. At least I have a empty clean freezer now...😅
Good thing I bought another one before Covid hit because the 350 lbs of butchered moose meat had to go somewhere! With a little luck, a nice fat whitetail will need to squeeze in there too.

While we are on the subject - how long do you store game meat in your freezers?

VH, if vacuum sealed experts say 2-3 years. My processor only uses butcher paper so I vacuum seal the meat as soon as I get it home. Cost a few cents a package, but well worth it.
VH, if vacuum sealed experts say 2-3 years. My processor only uses butcher paper so I vacuum seal the meat as soon as I get it home. Cost a few cents a package, but well worth it.

I have all my game meat professionally butchered and shrink wrapped. I try to use use all the meat & fish within a year but sometimes it will get to the second year after harvest. I've got reservations about eating anything older then that. But ... my Golden Retriever never expressed any concern. :>)
I've eaten venison 2 years old that was vac sealed it was perfect, no freezer burn or frost etc. Sometimes I think an old buck tenderizes in freezer! Kind of why I like to shoot does for best cuts and burger, sausage, sticks, jerky the bucks.
Took me 5 months and finally located a 20 cu-ft upright freezer (Frigidaire) and it was actually locally. I just happened to call a very small appliance shop and they said they just got a few in and I went over immediately and yep they had 3! I bought one on the spot and it was delivered yesterday only 5 days after I bought it! How's that for service! Two young guys from their shop brought it in using a shoulder back sling setup and they were amazing! The carried it down stairs into basement and never set it down nor touched a wall or appliance. It was placed perfectly. Yes they got a pretty darn good tip! I would have been in the ER trying to put that down in basement plus the stairwell would look like a tornado went through it! :eek:I have friends that were looking and I told them immediately but guess what they sold out right after I bought mine!So anyone else having trouble finding a freezer?

Made me think of H1000 or RL26!!
Amen to that! Took me two weeks to order one in. None in stock anywhere.
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