Should I buy this brass?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Eastern Montana - Almost North Dakota
I have an opportunity to buy some 1x fired 338 Lapua brass (Lapua headstamp) for about half of what it costs new. The brass was fired in a custom gun. I have been bitten twice now by buying 1x fired brass and using it in a custom gun only to have it not fit in the chamber even after full length sizing. It has not been Lapua quality brass though. Any thoughts on this? Should I run or is there a better chance of this brass fitting in my custom Lapua after full length sizing?

If you are full length resizing and the brass does not fit, I would think A: the sizing die is not correct, or B: the chamber is not correct to what you think it is. Are you trying the brass before loading or after? I would make sure the brass fits before loading. Maybe OAL is incorrect for your rifle. All things to check.
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