Shooting ranges in Michigan...


Jun 14, 2003
Red Sea
Anybody here know of any long-range shooting ranges in Michigan? I need a place to practice. All the ranges I know of only go to 300 yards maximum and most only go to 200. As always, all help is much appreciated
There is one in Alma that is 500 yards I have a place I can shoot out to 1200 yards here in MI
Crow Mag
You guys should come down to the Ohio 1000 yard club on the 19 and 20 of July we will be shooting the state shoot at 1000 yards and a 1 mile shoot
should be a good time.
Crow Mag
Sabre, Midland has a 600 yard range, you have to qualify to shoot it and have a qualified person it the pit also. I hear Alpena has a new 500 yard range, haven't done any research on it.
Their is a 500 m range down by Wayland MI and Camp Graying has a 1000 yd range. At Camp Graying they have Palma matches for the Pub.


Good to see you here...Welcome to Long Range Hunting!

What ever came of the 338 Lapua and the "funny" shoulder angle?

You're correct. I believe there is 1000 yards match at Gaylord. They do have a website but I don't remember the name of it.
I haven't seen it yet but I saw their website. They also offer silhouette matches as well.

Soon long range precision shooters can stay in Michigan to test their skills year round at our own 1000 yard range at the Marksmanship Training Center. Being built and designed by/for professionals, but will also open to the public. Please sign up at to receive up-to-date information regarding this project in our newsletter.
Soon long range precision shooters can stay in Michigan to test their skills year round at our own 1000 yard range at the Marksmanship Training Center. Being built and designed by/for professionals, but will also open to the public. Please sign up at to receive up-to-date information regarding this project in our newsletter.

In the latest MTC newsletter, they offer some information to the location and projected opening of the 1000 yard range in Michigan.
Which side of the state are you on? South Kent near Grand Rapids goes out to 500 and I belong to Fennville gun club which goes out to 400.
They should build it near the Birch Run Outlet Mall. I could spend 5 hours there every weekend, I'd just have to drop my wife off at the mall first.:)

BWSA on 94 and Range Rd. has 600 yard a couple times a month.
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