Screwed myself...AGAIN!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
Walhalla, ND
Well, I just finished up my first LR hunting rig. I have LOTS of LR target stuff, as I shoot IBS 600/1000 compitition....I just never had the TRUE LR HUNTING rig that I have always wanted!!!

Well, I had an old Rem 700 Sendero..1995 vintage that is on its third bbl....the current is a 300 WBY smithed by Clay Spencer....NF 5.5-22-56 with ZS and the HS dials. The gun as it was shot excellent. It holds 1/2 MOA out as far as I care to shoot with 3 shot groups, and I even shot it in an IBS 1k Match and won with a 5 shot 5.xx group.

Anyway, I have always wanted a little more. I found a new Mc Millan A-5 online for my 700 and picked it up...fairly good deal. It was inletted for Surgeon bottom metal and the guy I baught it from also had the bottom metal and mag, so I picked it up fairly cheap, also. Well, the bottom metal was all wrong.....not for a rem... and didn't fit the stock, either. The seller gladly took it back. Since the stock was already inletted for the Surgeon, I gave them a call and got some new like a glove!!!

I had my gunsmith bed the action and he also made up some pillars for it. I also have a new 338 EDGE tube fitted up, got a new thicker recoil lug (which required that my 300 WBY tube be rechambered) and had him pin the lug..... ...a switch bbl rig...just what I wanted. I had Kiff make my Edge reamer so my OAL was 4.1 inches. I planed on using the mag with the WBY tube, and single feed the Edge tube. I also baught a break fron Shawn Carlock and had my smith thread both tubes for it.

It all seemed so simple!!! Got the gun back, put it together, and just drooled over it for a day. I started breaking in the new Edged tube, and while I was waiting for the solvent to work, I decided to try and shorten the OAL of my Edge case and try it in the magazine....just to see. NO GO....just as I figured...the case is just to fat to fit and feed properly So, I decided to stuff a few WBY cases into the mag....NO GO!!!!! ***!!!! The mag wil not accept the WBY case!! The front vertical indentation on the mag hit the WBY case square in the sholder.

I fired off a call to Surgeon,,,no help. They had me call A I (Accuracy int.) Now, I see that they have the 300 WIN magazine (just like mine), which won't work with either the WBY or the Edge. They also have a 338 LAPUA magazine. So I fired off an e-mail describing my problem. "AI has no mag that will work with the 300 Wby case. I sugjest you talk to your rifle builder" help at all!! He didn't even answer my question on weather the Edge case would work in their Lapua magazine. I sit. Anyone have any sujestions? Can the AI magazine be tweeked...maybe mill out that front vertical indentation. I am stumped , and just a little myself...of course. I have a major load of cash into this project already. I really want the 300 WBY to be a Mag fed system. I always fully intended to shoot the Edge single feed.
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I have a 300 WM AI magazine so I know exactly what you're up against here. I have heard of guys milling out the indentation successfully to work with RUM cases. Is the indentation the only sticking point for inserting the Wby case into the mag?
I have a 300 WM AI magazine so I know exactly what you're up against here. I have heard of guys milling out the indentation successfully to work with RUM cases. Is the indentation the only sticking point for inserting the Wby case into the mag?

As far as I can tell, yes. The magazine actualy has TWO sets of indentations...the front ones, which is causing the problem, is deeper than the rear ones. It is the front ones that prevents anymore than one 300 Wby shell in the magazine. BOTH the indentations are in the way to fit the RUM case. Any idea if the 338 Lapua mag would work with the Edge case?
As far as I can tell, yes. The magazine actualy has TWO sets of indentations...the front ones, which is causing the problem, is deeper than the rear ones. It is the front ones that prevents anymore than one 300 Wby shell in the magazine. BOTH the indentations are in the way to fit the RUM case. Any idea if the 338 Lapua mag would work with the Edge case?

You can machine out the front part and the Wby cases should work fine.

I believe the Lapua mag is the one that will work with the RUM case so long as the indentation is machined out.
That would be awsome...and simple if that would work. I will try the existing 300 win magazine first and see how that goes. Being able to have the Edge as a repeater would be a gift!!

Anyone here have 1st hand knowlage about milling out a magazine?
That would be awsome...and simple if that would work. I will try the existing 300 win magazine first and see how that goes. Being able to have the Edge as a repeater would be a gift!!

Anyone here have 1st hand knowlage about milling out a magazine?

I saw pictures of it done on SnipersHide. You might be able to come up with something by doing a google search.
I had a buddy order everything to build a detachable mag .338 Lapua. The builder mistakenly chambered it for .338 Edge. He used it on our elk hunt and the mag wouldn't hold but a single round without popping them out. The .338 Lupua brass has more girth and the lips can't keep the rounds secured under pressure. His needs altered.
I don't know which bottom metal/mags he has so I can't say if you'll have that problem.
I had a buddy order everything to build a detachable mag .338 Lapua. The builder mistakenly chambered it for .338 Edge. He used it on our elk hunt and the mag wouldn't hold but a single round without popping them out. The .338 Lupua brass has more girth and the lips can't keep the rounds secured under pressure. His needs altered.
I don't know which bottom metal/mags he has so I can't say if you'll have that problem.

WOW. How about the bolt face? Did the donar action have a .532 boltface or the bigger Lapua bolt face? I am thinking that it had to be the correct one, because I wouldn't be in the same county when he pulled the trigger if it were wrong!!!!
Well, it looks like I resolved the issue. Took the mag up to my local, brother-in-law owned machine shop and had him mill out, little by little, the BACK side of the front groove.....worked his way forward just enough to let the sholders pass. We left the front part of the grove in place, keeping contact with the sholder, which in turn keeps the case from slamming forward into the front of the mag during recoil. Thus, the bullet points are still protected and my OAL won't change with each shot.

Thanks for the help.

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