Samsung Hacked


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
So why am I posting this? Few years ago we bought Flat screen and when I tried to submit warranty, Samsung would not accept without DOB. I filed complaint with MI AG and they contacted Samsung. I get phone call from their Pres Admin and she took basic info. Samsung sorts their warranty info by DOB. I told them I am tired of companies careless with my data.
There needs to be financial consequences to companies that gather this information for distribution to the victims in their database. Not to mention financial responsibility for loss.

I will be contacting Samsung to determine risk since I have received NADA.

I get a Norton warning every month our data is out on dark web from data breaches from mostly medical groups. Why shouldn't we be compensated for their lack of IT responsibility.? Our last breach was so irresponsible, I ripped into them and they did not disagree. They failed to assure their FTP protocol dumped (deleted) all data after scanned during transfer. This is high school IT 101. This is complete lack of standard auditing protocols to test system on dedicated time frame. Every system MUST be tested/audited on frequency to validate security. They failed miserably without recourse from anyone.

This has to stop where companies gather your personal data for their own use that places us at risk. I am well aware how rampant this is but time to draw line in sand.

I am starting with reps to determine what can be limited in databases. Everyone should consider same.

Rant over. I think.
Right on rant. Everything seems to be infected. I get 20 spam calls per day on average. 40-60 emails a day. label them spam and unsubscribe them all. Fruitless effort. There is no longer any such thing as private. Try the no call list, bogus cow flop.
I suppose it's the dark side of all that we take for granted, at this point I mostly just apologize to my tin foil hat friends fir mocking then all these years...

This level of ineptitude across almost all platforms and tools to protect personal data can only be explained if no privacy was the goal. If it's tech security 101 and Samsung couldn't figure it out.... calling those level goof ups accidents seems disingenuous.
Here's the rub, I have done that and I check back and DOB is changed to mine. Facebook has done that with my DOB. I had fake one and they changed it. Contemplating my next step with them. I only use it with family which is a distance issue. These databases collect so much personal info they have algorithms to validate and correct if needed.
We had had our identy stolen several times. Had a vendor send me a photo of my DL with all my info and someone else picture. I currently have all our credit cards (on!y three) changed out every 3-4 months with new numbers. It is a real pain in the butt for all renewal subscription. Everytime I notice something different when on the internet I change our profiles. Also it is not just the criminal going after your data. The NSA knows, sees and stores every keystroke, attachement, and picture. There was National Security Act passed right after 9-11. We were all told that that ACT expired, BUT the NSA just changed the name. Everything is still in effect. I think that it is a GOOD thing it is used for National Security, but it is also being used against the US populations by the Political Parties in POWER.