Post on Vortex scopes being....

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It may be hit or miss, but, I bought an athlon ares 4x27x50 and it is working out real well. But, it was about 50% off retail at 429$. Time will tell if it holds up. I bet every scope brand has Chinese parts on their low end offerings.
Two of the greatest advertising feats of recent decades that have misled the consumer is how good Vortex is, and that the 6.5 Creed is some kind special death ray. They would have you believe that with a 6.5 Creed topped with Vortex optics you could kill anything you want at any range. Just a bunch of crap.
I'm not totally knocking Chinese optics...I own a couple low price one's that do what is needed..for what I need. But, I paid a price equivalent to what I got....So to each there own,but I hope as a country that we don't become so concerned with being so politically correct, that we trade off our core beliefs....rsbhunter
I read the whole thread, and I posted on it. The fact it got deleted tells me this place is no longer about providing true and balanced information and reviews. I understand the rule against bashing but when Advertiser interests are the only consideration then this place is becoming as bad as the current crop of Gun rags who will shill for anything that advertises. I spend less and less time reading on here because I know that the information is being heavily censored. Privately owned or not, blindly catering to advertisers is the way to eventually kill off a magazine, forum et al.
I just wonder why the moderator hasn't posted anything on the this especially since there are 3 pages asking the same question.
Seems like there are less places to get honest and open discussions on sporting products. I have not renewed all my gun rags for that reason.
Dean2, that is a lot of the problem I'm having...not knowing the content of the post, and believing that I don't have the right to judge for myself if it was worth the time it took to read far as the $$$ being the cause and effect, you are's not that our soul's aren't for sale, just the value we place on it....rsbhunter
Dean2, that is a lot of the problem I'm having...not knowing the content of the post, and believing that I don't have the right to judge for myself if it was worth the time it took to read far as the $$$ being the cause and effect, you are's not that our soul's aren't for sale, just the value we place on it....rsbhunter

I read it, did not consider it bashing in the least, thought it worth contributing to. IF others thought it wasn't valuable they can quit reading any time.

As far as soul's for sale reminds me of the old joke, Him -Hey cute stuff, would you go to bed with me for a million dollars, Her -sure!. Him -How about for a $100? Her- what, do you think I am some sort of prostitute. Him - we have already established what you are, now we are just negotiating the price. :)
If you read the rules for the forum there its not very difficult to figure out what to post. I remember the thread that brought this rule about and it's absalutely not about suppression of information it's about Len not wanting this forum to become leverage for either side on a subject that is between a customer and a retailer.
if people don't like the rules in Len house they can leave Len house. I do believe there is a rule that if you have complaints that they should be handled by PM not on open forum. I read the first couple posts on the tread in question and that might not be why it was removed it probably was the bandwagon bashers that come after
have you contacted Len and asked why?
Dean2, made me laugh...been many year's since I've heard that dad taught me when I was young to never do anything that goes against your honor, as "you have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday when you shave"....before manbuns(whatever those are) and beards being "righteous".....rsbhunter
It seems like every week or so I get an email from LRH and I'm unable to access the thread, which leads me to believe the OP had negative things to say about a site sponsor's product. Rave product reviews abound in LRH forums which doesn't really help me make a decision about buying a particular product. When I'm researching a product I overlook the reviews that scream, it's the best there is and nothing else compares and look at the not so glowing reviews. I want to know if someone has an issue with a product and if that issue was brought to the manufacturer, how was the issue handled.

I also know that just about everything these days revolves around the almighty dollar unlike back in the day when integrity defined a good person from a not so good person.
I've seen threads removed because someone tried to use the forum as leverage on a sponsor and not handle business of the forum but I've never seen discussion threads on the mechanics or fact on how something works be an issue. I've seen Sponsors let go as well!!
I read the thread the other day no problem. What did it get taken down.I to would like to know about products one way or the other. I use vortex products so the thread was important to me.But i do not condone if the thread was taken down because of being a advertiser on this site.
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