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Portable shooting Benches - How many use a bench that rotates?

Describe the type of PORTABLE bench you use or that you would like to us
the word portable, is about like beautiful, its a personal thing. to some, portable is anything that can be moved. to others, like me for example its smothing small and light, fully adjustable to the terrain, and can easily be carried for long distances. i doubt you would find more diverse opinions and examples than are here in pa.
I don't have a picture of just the bench but you can see it. It has adjustable height and the table will pan and tilt. The seat was made from an office chair so it can go up and down in height on command as well. The bench is made from an old heavy duty cinema tripod head and some red neck engineering. It is about 50 # and 40 of it is the tripod head. I got the idea from Kevin Cram. His is much lighter though with equal rigidity.

No photo at the moment but - my portable bench is made of double 3/4" ply and is shaped for rt or lt hand use. It has three legs which is MUCH better in the field than the 4 legged benches, IMO anyway.

I use cast iron threaded pipe flanges to attach the legs and have the flanges mounted on a slight angle so the legs pitch outward when inserted. Legs are made of threaded iron pipe. A smaller diameter iron pipe is inserted in the outer pipe and a T handle lock was threaded through the outer pipe and used as a lock so that the legs can be adjusted for length. If all legs are fully extended you can shoot off the bench while standing. This comes in very handy when shooting over tall vegetation.

Mounting brackets were designed and attached to the table bottom for storage of the legs when not attached. Notches in the sides of the table will allow a rifle to safely rest against the bench without blowing over. A hole or two in the bench top will allow for an umbrella to be installed when shade is needed.
These are the plans that I used to make my table, just made the top a little bigger.
portable shooting bench plans
Pics of my bench. Top is 32in. wide X 40in. long with cutout sides.


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I use a coyote jake's bench that rotates. Basically a central post design that the seat swings around and the table rotates independently on the top of the central post. Other than unloading the thing and setting it up it is very good IMO.
I have one I bought from Cabela's that swivels 360 degree's and has three legs that fold down and is steady as a rock. Plus it has a padded seat . :) Folds all up and goes in the back of the pickup. I think it was called the 360 degree shooters bench. Shot a lot of PD's from that bench.
GNERGY, very nice job building your bench...it looks pretty solid. Where did you get or did you make the 18 degree threaded mounting plates? Also the legs look too shiny to be galvanized pipe are they aluminum or SS?
Thanks, Chas 1
I made the plates for the legs, and the legs are made out of IMC ( thin wall threadable conduit used for electrical, steel galvanized ) it was cheaper than rigid pipe but just as strong. Home depot will cut the plywood in squares and thread the pipe for FREE too.

Thanks for responding. I was afraid the plates were handmade...I'm not set up for doing any sort of metal work but, I can **** near build anything in wood so I'm thinking I could put the 18 degrees into the wood...I got to think about it. Conduit...great idea and lighter than pipe. Nice to know Home Depot will thread. That's one of the few benches where I really like the way you've shaped/outlined of the wood and what looks like 1/4" round router bit used on the edge...keeps from snagging stuff.
No router, just a litle belt sander that I use to round all the edges.
You could make shims to go under flat plates for the legs to angle them out to 18*
Ya , shims would work too and quicker. I got either a band saw which i can jig f/18* or table saw with max 4.5" height of cut above table w/blade set to 18* out of some 1" scrap oak boards I have laying around and then use some Titebond II premium wood glue to attached to underside of table (stuff holds so good that if you try to break the glue joint you wind up breaming the wood) then once you do the bolt through...it ain't going nowhere.
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