Thanks Benchracer.
I know the 6.5x55 Swede pretty well. You are right it is a wonderful cartridge.
I own 2 Model 1896 Swedes, a Model 94 Swede, a Model 38 Swede, and the
semi-auto Swedish Jungman.
The 7mm Mauser has a lot going for it too. If you like the 6.5.55, you will like the 7mm too.
Both of these can be pushed a bit harder, but their sloping case design and limited powder capacity are jut not beneficial to the longer range and flat shooting accuracy of some other calibers. If we are talking 300 yards, I'd never need to go beyond these two.
I am looking at 600 and 1000 yards. While I can lob many calibers that far, I need to shoot a bit flatter.
The .264and .284 are attractive. The 6.5 Grendel interest me. The old 300 H&H interest me. I know the 300 H&H is an old sloped case that is not as efficient as other modern .30 calibers. I have shot it, and the recoil impulse does not hit me on the shoulder as hard as say the 300 Win Mag or 300 Weatherby Mag.
I have not owned a 7mm Magnum like someone suggested. I suppose it does have merits. There are so many choices. 99% of my shooting will be at the range, mostly just having fun. I doubt I will do much competitive shooting.
I might take it hunting, but in reality, where I hunt ranges are short, and have LOTS of calibers to suffice. I would take a long range gun along as a back-up or maybe a primary weapon, only if I knew I might need to pull the trigger past 400 yards. I have 6-24 and 8-32 powered scopes to mount on my choice of guns.
Good Shootin!!