Oregon shooting


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
Wondering if any groups get together and do any Long range shooting. Have a few great spots here but not too many shooters around.
I'm pretty new myself, But would love to get together sometime this spring and Meet somewhere for a Sat OR Camp for weekend and do some LR shooting, (steel Targets what not) Be fun and a great chane to share knowledge.
Yotebuster, I go to Abert Rim a couple times from memorial weekend through July 4th, to shoot rock chucks at long range. Also go around the Sycan river, between Beatty and Bly on camp6 rd. toward silver lake to bust 'em and shoot squeeks and yotes. PM me and I;ll give you my contact info.gun)
Hey yotebuster,
are you gonna be at ''killfest'' in a couple weeks?
Seems to me that'd be a place to do some shootin'. Im not from lakeview, but my cousin married 1 of the Glade girls, he'll be there. Maybe you know him.(He's NOT the one with a badge, that guy married the other Glade girl).
I know ''killfest'' kinda a local thing, and im not just looking for an invite here. Just figured you might know Jake.
I may get down that way with him this summer sometime, and look you up. Do some shootin if your not busy.gun)
Yotebuster, I go to Abert Rim a couple times from memorial weekend through July 4th, to shoot rock chucks at long range. Also go around the Sycan river, between Beatty and Bly on camp6 rd. toward silver lake to bust 'em and shoot squeeks and yotes. PM me and I;ll give you my contact info.gun)

have you hunted down around pueblos?also up above drewsey is excellent for cats dogs and pdogs.the cats are thick around there
maybe we should try a weekend camp and shoot this spring.be fun swap ideas and meet new folks.
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