

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
central Pa.
Hello Gentleman,
New to the forum and eager to learn. I've been long range hunting and shooting for around 15 years. I've aquired 3 long range rifles (two 30 harts and one 30-338) over that time, although 2 have been given to my 2 boys.
My youngest son is in the Air Force and will be stationed in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is really excited about the opertunities. If anyone can help him out let me know he would appreciate it as would I. Keep in mind we are from central Pa. and he knows nothing about elk or antelope hunting. With the equipment he is taking with him he will have no problem out to 800 yards.
I will be here for any questions you may have of me but I am sure others are much more educated. Thanks and I look forward to conversing.
Welcome to LRH and enjoy!

Which base? Peterson or USAFA and what unit? In either case, more than likely, he'll ran into a military member that hunts that will hopefully take him out and share the adventure.

I have a friend that is stationed in Peterson at MPS since last year, and I hunted with him when he was stationed at Malmstrom AFB.

Have him PM me and I'll give him his contact info and maybe they can connect.

Thanks Feenix,
He has ojt at travis afb in california (aerospace medical tech) for 2 months then he will be stationed at peterson for the next few years. If your friend likes to hunt they will surely get along. Dillon loves LR hunting but more often than not he'll strap on his 270 and wear out a pair of Rockies. he is really excited about elk hunting and would really appreciate a hunting buddy.
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