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new turkey gun

one crazy kid

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
I have been using my grandpa's remington 870 bought new in 1950 somthin. Its a fairly well worn 12 gauge 2 3/4" mod choke, so here the ? would you just buy a new gun? if so what would you recommend(gauge/chamber ect...)? or would you get a new barrel?
Just pick you up one of the 870 express 12 gauge 3" from wally world (309) and a tightwad choke extra full from Dick's (20) and you'll have all you'll ever need in a shotgun.
I've owned both an 835 and an 870. I like the 835 more. I've upgraded mine a bit with a Strut Stopper Choke, Rail Mount, Tru-Glo Holographic red dot, and a Blackhawk recoil reducing butt stock. With the port from the choke and the recoil reducer stock I can shoot ten 3 1/2" mags out of it as fast as I can and won't feel a thing after.

This entire setup can be had for around $500. If you can't put all of that into it I'd suggest just getting the new butt stock and add a choke, rail, and sight over time.

Just my .02
Here is my 835 I was describing earlier. It's pretty much the coolest turkey gun ever now. Sorry for the Woodland camo, the gun is from 1995.


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I like any 3 1/2" Mossburg with their backbored barrels. I shot many turkeys with my 835. I now use a 935 which is an semi-auto kills them the same. Use the factory choke for lead or Tru glow extreme with hevi-shot for a little more range. Shouldn't have any problem with a bird within 40 yards unless you flinch. And pattern your gun some shoot very high.
Thanks for all the info, I found out yesterday that my effective killing range is about 10 feet(being my longest successful turkey kill). On Saturday morning we had four gobblers come in, the biggest one stop at 20 yards, when I shot I watched the wad hit him at the base of the neck. He just gobbled and ran off before I could shoot again, he kept gobbling and strutting four a half hour then got bored and left. he didn't leave any feathers let alone blood, so we are going back to hit him with a stick to see if that works.
Cheapest route that worked for me was a 20" deer barrel w/ rem choke, get tru glo choke tube from walmart, and replace the sights with fiber optic rifle sights. Then you can move your sights to match the dense part of your pattern. Did this with my 870 for under $200, works great to 45-50 yds.
best turkey gun ive ever seen/used is a remington 870 with an H.S undertaker H.D choke loaded with 3in hevi-shot magnum blend. Ive taken a few gobblers at 60 yards with it and i know its capable of 70-75 yards.
I personally like the benelli nova 12 gauge, not the tactical, which accepts 3 &1/2", and we've also had good luck with a beretta silver mallard (al-390). The benelli also serves as a short-range deer gun shooting slugs and has taken deer out to 85 yards along the river. I don't think you can really go wrong with whatever you choose in the 12 gauge market... As long as it accepts choke tubes. I like being able to shoot 3 &1/2s when I get the chance, and prefer a longer barrel than does my brother & nephew, but I'm 6'3 so swinging a 28" gun on target feels pretty natural. We use the smaller barreled beretta when we are hunting thick foliage. Good luck with the turkey's and finding a new gun. You got a lot to choose from out there.
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