New Redding Dies

Allen Kitts

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Florence, Montana
I just received a new set of Redding FL reloading dies in 300 PRC. I tried to run some once fired brass through them this morning and they won't even go into the die 3/4 of the way. I have tried three different lubes to no avail. I even tried to run a brand new unfired case through and no go. It's 30 degrees in my garage right now and the brass and dies are cold. Could that be the issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just received a new set of Redding FL reloading dies in 300 PRC. I tried to run some once fired brass through them this morning and they won't even go into the die 3/4 of the way. I have tried three different lubes to no avail. I even tried to run a brand new unfired case through and no go. It's 30 degrees in my garage right now and the brass and dies are cold. Could that be the issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Redding dies are the best, that said. Assuming the brass is clean. A few questions; Are the dies new and did they come to you in an unopened box? Possibly the dies are not "300 PRC"; check the box label and see if it matches the engraving on the body of the FL die. Some monkeys messing around the store might have opened the box and inadvertently put the wrong dies onto the wrong box. Had that experience one time, the green box had been opened, lucky I checked them before I checked out. Did you clean the insides of the FL die, they often come with a good coating of rust preventative inside the die, and at 30 degrees temp, I would think that preservative could be really thick! The cold could be affecting your case lube? Check the decapping pin/rod and neck expander. Bent rod? wrong size neck expander on the rod? Whatever you do, don't force that case up inside that die with excessive force, you may never get it back out. It's possible the die is just miss-labeled, miss boxed? You may have to move indoors.
Redding dies are the best, that said. Assuming the brass is clean. A few questions; Are the dies new and did they come to you in an unopened box? Possibly the dies are not "300 PRC"; check the box label and see if it matches the engraving on the body of the FL die. Some monkeys messing around the store might have opened the box and inadvertently put the wrong dies onto the wrong box. Had that experience one time, the green box had been opened, lucky I checked them before I checked out. Did you clean the insides of the FL die, they often come with a good coating of rust preventative inside the die, and at 30 degrees temp, I would think that preservative could be really thick! The cold could be affecting your case lube? Check the decapping pin/rod and neck expander. Bent rod? wrong size neck expander on the rod? Whatever you do, don't force that case up inside that die with excessive force, you may never get it back out. It's possible the die is just miss-labeled, miss boxed? You may have to move indoors.
The die is stamped 300 PRC FL. I cleaned the die with one of my bore cleaning solutions. I took the expander and rod out so nothing but the bare die and the case will still only go about 3/4 of the way into the die before it gets very tight. This is with brand new Hornady brass, not even once fired. I brought everything inside the house and let it warm for two hours and still no difference. I think the dies my be just too tight. I am sending the back to Midway. Unfortunately good dies these days are as hard to find as powder.
I polish Redding FL dies, otherwise they are sticky for several hundred loading cycles.
A good metal polish on a cotton bore mop spun up in a drill press or battery drill works well.
If you compare RCBS and Redding dies, you will see immediately that RCBS die walls are smoother with less honing marks, once polished they are just as easy to size with.

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I polish Redding FL dies, otherwise they are sticky for several hundred loading cycles.
A good metal polish on a cotton bore moo spun up in a drill press or battery drill works well.
If you compare RCBS and Redding dies, you will see immediately that RCBS die walls are smoother with less honing marks, once polished they are just as easy to size with.

Good point and a very good suggestion.
I would call redding as well. First thing monday morning, they have EXCEPTIONAL customer service. I'm sure they will fix you right up!
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