Hey guys thanks for having me on here. I've creeped around long enough and thought it's time I joined. I've searched here and other forums but to no avail have I found an answer. I'm getting back in to reloading (after not really starting, just toying around) to spend more time at home with our new baby girl and I'm on second shift. I ordered a few things from K&M Precision after seeing their name a lot, and liking their prices, among the reputation. I'm loading .308 Win. for a Savage 10FCP, 24" 1/11.25" barrel. Uses will be primarily target shooting, and maybe the occasional Wiley. I've got my brass cleaned, flash holes deburred, and I'm down to uniforming the primer pocket. My quandary is when I use the uniformer it's not fully cutting the pocket floor. The brass is once fired M118LR 2008 Lake City Sniper brass. My initial thought is the floor is pushed in some due to the flash hole being punched but I wasn't sure. To make sure the tool wasn't set wrong (I have not tried to adjust the depth of the cutter) I tried it with Hornady, Federal, and other manufacturers and they will mostly all cut even. Was my initial thought about the flash hole puncher correct, or am I doing something wrong? Sorry for the long winded intro and thread, but thank you for listening if you've made it this far.