New guy and to reloading


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
Helena, MT
Hello all,
New here and to reloading. I got a great deal on Hornady LNL classic kit, bought a case tumbler, had a old Redding beam scale, LE Wilson case trimmer and pocket reamer from my dad who reloaded years ago. I built a sturdy bench 6ft long 2 1/2 deep 36in high with a 3/4ply top secured to the wall and in a corner.

I am looking for ideas for the layout of the bench and any special way to mount the press and powder droper.

I have some old primers (50 yrs?) and assuming they should be pitched.

lots more questions to come.

welcome to the site.and just close your eyes and feel the tabel to see what might be good for ya.while doing this think about what needs to be done to make a good load.or just play around with papper and pen.when loading you need things to work for you.what works for me might not work for you.and for the primers just prim a case and see if it fires.if they do load long as they haven't been around moister they should be OK.
The typical approach to achieving resolution for your situation is to bolt the individual pieces to sections of board (threaded inserts available from your hardware store will expedite the job) and mount them to your bench with C-clamps. This way, you are able to experiment with their locations, relative to each other and to yourself, to learn what an optimal compromise is. Your chosen layout will be specific to your own needs and likes, and not dependent on someone else's process and their preferences. After an experimental period, you can permanently mount the pieces to your bench.

The efficacy of your powder measure is dependent on the consistency of its operation. It's important that it is solidly mounted. I don't like the elevated brackets that are sold by the mfrs since they are effectively levers that de-stabilize their own mounts. My own innovation is to mount the measure to an anvil using the bracket that Redding furnishes with its measures; the part number is 03018. Hornady doesn't have a baffle for their powder measure, the purpose of which is to alleviate the varying pressure that the powder column in the reservoir places on the metering assembly. You can fashion your own baffle, or use a 3/8" fender washer to gain the same effect; the external dimension isn't critical.
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Thanks WIN69,

I like the idea of using c-clamps util I figure out how the flow of the bench will work and will give some thought about the powder dispenser. I will also make a baffle, Thanks.
Thanks WIN69,

util I figure out how the flow of the bench will work and will give some thought about the powder dispenser. I will also mak.

welcome ! that si the best advise you can give yourself.. you won't know how the flow works best until you start reloading , and have gained some experience as you learn what works and what works best for YOU. Bottom line, when you do feel good to start working, mount your press just about anywhere you can site comfortably that is very sturdy with lots of good light. Make room for a good open working spot you can also sit comforble w lots of light. You will begin to tailor your work space. You will have lots of other things to worry about yet and you can always change it around. The short answer, learn your reloading process and go from there, that's what I did. good luck, have fun!
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