Well-Known Member
I was on the range the other day and speaking to a gentlemen and he was saying that anything that happens at 25 yards as far as group size is almost identical to what will happen at 100 yards as long as the shooter can do his part. Now i called bulls*** on that. He was saying anytime he freshly mounts a scope he shoots first at 25 yards (to make sure hes on paper and to test group size) to see if its even worth it to back it up to 100 then to 300 and so on? Now the other day i went to the range and with a gun i had remounted a scope on and worked up my first couple loads for it. I was at the 25 yard mark just checking zero before i moved back to the 100 (couldnt go to the 300+ cause range was closed for the day). figured why not touch of a couple shots with differen't powder charges. First shot at 25 was almost an 1 full inch. when i stretch to the 100 it was basically an even inch. the second powder charge was almost an even 1 hole group, and when i backed it out to 100 i measured the group being .386". then with the 3 powder charge stayed just high of half inch at 25 but opened up to about .75 at 100. now that couple have been me but it was basically what he said. Is this true, or just the way it happened to turn out?