my greatest fear


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2009
my greatest fear is that when i die my wife will sell all my guns for what i told her i paid for them
You mean you don't know that every gun is like investing in gold in that it only appreciates and goes up in value??? Well they do and that's what ya tell the wife and so for each year ya have the gun/s she should increase the sell price by I don't know so pick some %.:D:D:D
You mean you don't know that every gun is like investing in gold in that it only appreciates and goes up in value??? Well they do and that's what ya tell the wife and so for each year ya have the gun/s she should increase the sell price by I don't know so pick some %.:D:D:D
Yep +1 and it works too:D
My only other ''ace card'' is Ive gotta build up my sons inheritance dear. She goes for that sometimes too. Gotta alternate excuses to pull it off consistantly:).
My now 4 year old son has been able to ''field strip'' an 870 and reassemble it since he was 3(UNDER DADDYS SUPERVISION). He's never had a bb in his bb gun, but only because I came home from work one day to find an excited 2 1/2 yr old wanting to show daddy his new trick. He wasnt big enough to cock his red rider and hold it at the same time, so he placed it bbl down between the couch cushions and used both hands to cock it, then squished an ear plug, and stuffed it into the muzzle, aimed, took off the safety, and shot the blade on a whirling ceiling fan. Completely my fault I guess. He treats his toy guns like theyre real, and we sneak up on taxidermied mounts through out the house and pretent to be hunting. In all honesty because his bb gun was a red rider I didnt feel it would be accurate enough to ever be a good rifle for him to start shooting with, so it was relligated to the ''toy box'' with his other pop guns. (it has never had a bb in it-nor will it) but needless to say after that incident its in the gun cabnet with the other real ones now, and he has to ask daddy for the key (while supervised) in order to look at it now.
He loves to shoot, and is very safety concious. He has a Cricket .22, a Henery .22, and has told me the Rem 870 is his and the M-70, 30-06 too when he gets bigger. The goofy little bugger even has the nerve to tell me my Colt .22 is his when he grows up too..........I like his style, but you can see the delima I face and why I get to use my other ''ace card excuse'' when its time to buy another one.
**********SAFETY with FIREARMS COMES FIRST IN HIS UPBRINGING along with God, family,and country! and if it can fling a projectile of any kind it stays locked in the gun cabnet till daddy's home. He wont even go into the room where the cabnet is unless Im home, and with him, and at 4 years old he can tell you 1 point it in a safe direction(and he knows what it means) 2 check to make sure its empyt(and uses his finger to double check as well on all but the bb gun, 3 never dry fire it, 4 we Never learn about guns and bullets at the same time while in the house, and daddy HAS GOT TO BE WITH HIM PERIOD when we shoot or learn about guns. He is the safest kid Ive ever been around with firearms, and even gets mad at the kids at the playground for pointing thier nerf guns at eachother playing cowboys and indians. So before any ''hate mail'' gets sent my direction for the pop gun incident, re-read this post. And know,that when we go to the range,(public range) he recives multiple compliments from alot of people for his safety in all things firearm related. And he's not affraid to point out if a grown up happens to take safety for granted. And his daddy is Very proud of him for this.
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"His daddy is Very proud of him for this"

And rightfully so. Your a good dad and have taught him well. Your son sounds like he's pretty smart. They are precious and grow up quickly so treasure the moments and build the memories.

My son and daughter are in there 30's and so know as Papa (grandparent) to 4 boys ages 1,3,10 & 14 I'm getting to do it all over again...what a blessing.

As your son gets older you'll have to share some hunting stories with us once in a while. Take care.
Ill shoot you a P.M. of our first Spring Turkey Hunt togather. What an adventure! And now that its over Its hilarious!
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