My AutoTrickler V4 is finally shipping


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
I ordered it last year and it will shipped out this week, I am anxious to get it and start using it. With the price of firearms the last couple of years I have sold a few I do not uses and upgraded my reloading equipment. I have been able to upgrade my reloading room - I purchased a large tool chest to store my stuff, added a new work bench, bought some Inline Fabrication mounts and holders, purchased an AMP Annealer, bought a Co-Ax press and now the AutoTrickler. I am also stocked up on primers, brass and powder for everything I shoot.

Some people say they never sell firearms once they buy them, but I had several that just sat there unused and I am more pleased having a reloading room with quality equipment. I am also fortunate enough to work for a company that has a rifle range on their property, I have access to pistol ranges, 100, 200 and yes, even a 1000 yard range at work. Due to that I sold some rifles and acquired three for long range shooting. Now if I could just get time to shoot, I have very little now but I am set up for retirement in 5-8 years and I should have plenty of time to shoot.
Don't be disappointed once you get it set up - it was so straightforward to set up and so easy to use I had a "that's all???" moment 🤣 Then a couple weeks later I tried to use a Lee scoop to "save time" and load just a few really quickly and it hit me how much longer it was taking than if I had just used the V4. The time savings were incredible compared to what I was doing before, I still smile every time I turn it on.

Not to add add another thing to your list, but do you have a line conditioner for it? I run my scales through a Tripp Lite and I can hear it clicking sometimes, usually when my laser printer starts running or the compressor on my freezer kicks on and accompanied by a flicker of the LED lights. I figure it's cheap insurance on all the electronics that I'm running now.
Don't be disappointed once you get it set up - it was so straightforward to set up and so easy to use I had a "that's all???" moment 🤣 Then a couple weeks later I tried to use a Lee scoop to "save time" and load just a few really quickly and it hit me how much longer it was taking than if I had just used the V4. The time savings were incredible compared to what I was doing before, I still smile every time I turn it on.

Not to add add another thing to your list, but do you have a line conditioner for it? I run my scales through a Tripp Lite and I can hear it clicking sometimes, usually when my laser printer starts running or the compressor on my freezer kicks on and accompanied by a flicker of the LED lights. I figure it's cheap insurance on all the electronics that I'm running now.
I do have a conditioner. I monitor auctions of surplus stuff my city lists for sale. A couple months ago they had a OneAC brand conditioner up for auction. It was an older model but I won it for I think $7, it's old and heavy but it works great. I have it next to my loading bench with my current scale and AMP Annealer connected to it.
With my chargemaster I had more than enough time to seat bullets while waiting for the next powder charge to drop and trickle. Not with my V3 it's amazing fast and accurate, I'm sure the v4 is fast too.