My Antelope Hunt

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
First off, I am glad to see a hunt story. I wish more would share their hunts with the rest of us.

756 yards is a looooooong way for a "first shot, one shot" kill on an antelope as small as they are. Congratulations big time!
After reading postings here about long range shots, for a couple years, I decided to go out and try it for myself. So with antelope permit in hand I know of this rock in Wyoming around which the antelope run all day. Feeling particularly lazy I drove right up to it and parked right behind it. It's a rock of probably twenty to thirty tons upon which one can easily climb. It sits on top of a hill and you have a beautiful 270 degree view of the surrounding prarie. The rock has little slots and cuts in it that provide an excellent place to get a good rest for a rifle. I took my AWM in 338 lapua, using some of Warren's J36's, and hauled it up. I had the additional equipment of a Leica 1200, binoculors, and I took my laptop, altimiter, thermometer and barometric pressure measurer. Yes, yes, I know it's pretty much a cop-out to take your laptop to calculate a balistic table; but *** - I always wanted to try it. The day was sunny about 72 degrees, gusting wind and low humidity.

I hadn't been glassing very long, the computer was barely booted up, when I spotted a lone large buck antelope. (as a side note it's quite a trick to find a lone antelope at range on the prarie with binoculors, put the binoculors down, and then find the antelope with the 8X Leica laser range finder - it gives quite a small field of view and I found myself searching wildly tring to find him with the Leica) It took forever to get the Leica to range him, over a dozen tries. I punched in the barometric pressure, temp, humidity, and altitude into the comnputer's ballistics program and got my come-ups.

So while watching him through the scope, he was slowly walking, I waited until he paused and the gusting wind strangly paused (those of you who hunt Wyoming know that the weather can abruptly, suddenly change). I relaxed, exhaled, and pulled the trigger. So at a range of 756 yards I dropped him with one shot. I was quite amazed. My longest prior antelope shot was about 485 yards. He just dropped right in his tracks - an incredibly humane hunt.

It's not one of those thousand plus yard shots that some of you guys have made, but I'm quite pleased with it. I think that the major limitations to future longer shots is going to be the laser rangefinder. That Leica, although good on reflective targets, just had a dilly of a time ranging antelope. Anybody got a Russian for sale?
That's a **** good shot, and 750 is definitly out there in my book, even for BIG moose too.

I usually practice out at around 700-800 yards, it's a challenge for sure. I haven't gotten out past that for a while now, but it won't be long.

Might be getting a 300RUM tomarrow if it's in nice shape. Hope so.

A great story and congratulations.
Thank you four sharing your hunting story with us. 756 is a excellent shot on an Antelope congratulations on your hunt.

Crow Mag
Nice hunt Roadrunner. I'm am a bit supprised that the wind paused anywhere in wyoming. Usually were bucking 60mph winds
I'm out of Cheyenne.
What would it take to get an antelope tag for Wyoming? It is getting more and more difficult here in Colorado (even for a doe tag) and I need to start exploring alternatives. It seems there is plenty of antelope and lots of public land, what is the process and deadlines for getting a non-resident license?
To get an antelope permit you first have to get an application from the Wyoming DNR (I'll try to find their number for you). Their application is somewhat confusing and appears to have been written by a bunch or drunk politicians. You do however need to know where you're gonna hunt. You'll need the hunt area number when you place your application. Applications are due, sometime early next year. When you send in your application you MUST overnight it. We missed the deadline one year because the US snail mail took 17 working days to get it there. Some people have told me that their applications have taken even longer.
Hello QuietHunter,

Shoot me an email, <[email protected]>, and I'll send you the appropriate links for the WY G&F.

I would be more than happy to help you select an area if you so desire.

There are a couple of good areas that have reasonable draw ratios. If a 14-15" goat will put a smile on your face then things are simplified. Both areas will facilitate a long distance shooter.

Unless a feller is dead set on a trophy class buck, there is still a lot of public land available to the working stiff with good populations.

Let me know what you think and keep in touch.


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