Well-Known Member
What Moly are you using to coat your bullets?
Thanks,I will check out there site.I still have some old stock moly coated Berger 180 vld bullets. I have had no issues that the internet speaks of. I shoot 40 rds and clean with JB bore cleaner and Sweets followed by Hoppes. I clean the bore dry with alcohol and coat the bore with Hex Boron.
Due to the arrival of Hex Boron I no longer Moly any bullet. Hex coating the Barrel and bullet is the only way to go.
Bulletcoatings.com is the place for all your answers and questions. Quality info.
I think I'm going to try it. How do you treat your bore? Do you put some on a patch?Well, If you read about health risk,,read about breathing gun powder dust, smelting lead and casting your own bullets, let alone touching the lead. and god forbid using lead bullets in some radical states. I tell those that I mentor to wear a dust mask and proctology gloves. Personally I do not subscribe to fear and living in a bubble.
You definitely have my attention. LoLClean your bore absolutely clean. Use what make you comfortable, but I start with JB bore paste and a nylon brush. Followed up by Sweets 7.62. Wash the Sweets out with HOPPES #9. Wash the HOPPES out with alcohol. The purer the better. Hex Boron after the bore is perfectly clean will be applied to the bore through a alcohol carrier. Tumble the bullets in Hex also in your vibratory tumbler for 3 hours. It sounds like a lot but it really is nothing other than cleaning your bore, you do that all the time and tumbling bullets for 3 hours. It really helps on tight bores and high velocities. You will have no POI change between cleanings. No need to foul the barrel, and ES will go down.
Used with a Temp Stable powder and Nitrided barrel this stuff really changes the game. My 7mm Rem will out do STWs all day. The 30 06 will run a 180 gr 3000 fps with ease. Broughton 5c barrels, 28 inches on the 7 and Broughton 5c 26 inch on the 06
Used with a Temp Stable powder and Nitrided barrel this stuff really changes the game. My 7mm Rem will out do STWs all day. The 30 06 will run a 180 gr 3000 fps with ease. Broughton 5c barrels, 28 inches on the 7 and Broughton 5c 26 inch on the 06