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Millett LRS-1 6-35X56 Illuminated MIL/MIL

Dixie Bowfishing

Active Member
Mar 25, 2008
I just got my Millett LRS-1 6-35X56 Illuminated MIL/MIL BK81007. I know that some people have had problems with Millett in the past, I am going to give it a shot, this is my first impression of the scope and I will be using it at the range and in the field in about two weeks. The scope so far is better than I expected it to be. The clicks are nice and audible, the reticle is great and the green illumination is unbelievable, other than on the highest illumination indoors there was a green glare/haze, but outside I couldn't see it. The glass is far better than I expected, not to be compared to a high end scope such ziess, swarovski or better, but it is every bit as good if not better than most of the nikons, leupolds, and bushnells to my eyes. There are 43.5 Mil of elevation adjustment or 435 .1 Mil clicks. The scope has a 35mm tube and comes with rings. The rings are ok, but much too high for my rifle. I will be putting a stock with an adjustable cheekpeice on this gun later, so they may be useful later. The scope is pretty big it kinda dwarfs my gun with the sunshade on, here is a link to the scope http://www.millettsights.com/controller.php/cat09/lrs
My gun is a Remington 700 300 wsm accurized by Kevin Weaver of Weaver Rifles.


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I bet if you tilt your head you can get a good cheek weld and be able to see with your left eye! :D

Yeah, I know I am going to have to do something soon. I just want to wait till I get back from my Colorado hunt instead of ordering and maybe not getting rings in. But yeah there is no good anchor point the way it is right now, so I have to change something.
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