

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2005
Good Ol' Oklahoma
Merica 2.jpg Merica 3.jpg

Now, it's time to do some load development.
White Primer followed by flat white enamel base coat, the colors (colors were flat poppy seed red, flat oasis blue and flat black enamel) and distressed using Green scotchbrite pad. Distressing was only enough to remove some black (black paint phase was nearly enough black to color it all black) to allow the amount of color to show that I wanted. Followed up by a satin clear coat.

Edited for clarification.

How do you get that "distressed" look?
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Cool, so you use the scotch rite pad to scuff all the way through the color/primer coat to let the black stock show through?

No. I should have been more clear. I will edit my above post to be more accurate.

The last color was black. I only scuffed enough to eliminate some black and let the red and blue colors show without being too colorful.
No. I should have been more clear. I will edit my above post to be more accurate.

The last color was black. I only scuffed enough to eliminate some black and let the red and blue colors show without being too colorful.
Ah, makes sense now-- thanks 4 the info, I've always wondered how iiit's done looks nice, dont see too many custom paint jobs on smoke poles
It is indeed. I broke an older Japanese made Simmons handgun scope. The above scope was sent as a replacement since they no longer make handgun scope.
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