M 700 build


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2008
I have a M 700 sendero special in 7mm rem mag that I would like to build into a LR rifle...As far as caliber Im thinking of sticking with the 7mm rem mag since I already have all the reloading equipment for it...I am going to replace the 24" barrel and thinking of sending it to HS precision to let them rebarrel it with a teflon coated fluted barrel or prehaps let HCR do the work..Its only about a $50 difference and they will both blue print the action etc... The rifle will be used for deer and an ocassionall elk out to 750yds , targets out to 1000yds ...

I would appreciate any suggestions that you think of ..This is my 1st "true" LR rig build.
How does it shoot at the moment? The reason I ask is that you hear alot about senderos that shoot very well with just a skim bed and maybe some trigger work.
Without knowing your current abilities or what you want to use the rifle for it is a bit hard to give too much advice.
I have a 7mm mag that I will never get rid of, but then in NZ I am limited to deer at about 600 -700 yds, the 7mm is perfect for this.
If you were going to be targeting elk at closer to 1000 yds then the 338 edge would be a good way to go.
Think about what you would ultimately like to be able to do and build the rifle that will do that.

Havent shot the rifle yet .. The rifle sports a 24" barrel .. The rifle looks to have some miles on it..More or less the rifle just isnt at the cosmetic level I want it at...I just prefer 26-28" barrels when it comes to LR...So far as elk 600-750yds would be my max with a potent 160-175gr bullet..Deer 750yds...I have access to some bean fields..The chnace of me taking this rig elk hunting is slim..I have a semi custom 300 win mag model 70 that is printing .65" groups at 100yds..That is my elk rifle...I am thinking of parting out the stock and barrel .. The trigger has already been set to my liken...I was thinking of asking $50 for the barrel and $75 for the stock , does this sound about right ?
Havent shot the rifle yet .. The rifle sports a 24" barrel .. The rifle looks to have some miles on it..More or less the rifle just isnt at the cosmetic level I want it at...I just prefer 26-28" barrels when it comes to LR...So far as elk 600-750yds would be my max with a potent 160-175gr bullet..Deer 750yds...I have access to some bean fields..The chnace of me taking this rig elk hunting is slim..I have a semi custom 300 win mag model 70 that is printing .65" groups at 100yds..That is my elk rifle...I am thinking of parting out the stock and barrel .. The trigger has already been set to my liken...I was thinking of asking $50 for the barrel and $75 for the stock , does this sound about right ?

If you use the rifle as a donor I would recomend a 26 or 28" barrel at least as heavy as the
sendero or the next size up.

It would still go in the stock with a little work and you could re use it. If it has the laminated
stock this is as good a stock as you could ask for and can be refinished easy.

I would recomend that if you buy a new stock get a laminate because with the heavy barrel
the rifle will end up being muzzle heavy with a composite.

The 7mm RM will work fine for your intended use and if you wanted more velocity than it will
produce then a 7 STW or even a 7 RUM would be my choices in .284.

On donor rifles that are as you described you wont get much if anything for the barrel or the
stock so the value is in the action.

Im would like to keep the barrel the same contour as the one thats on it , just longer 26-28" preferably with flutes ... Im really leaning towards using HS service on this build due to the fact that they base all their rifles off a M 700 action and also the fact that the rebarreling service will include all the accurizing to the actionand also a teflon finish..So far as stocks ,I agree Laminate would probly be the way to go .. Im still undecided at this point on the stock..I may just keep the HS and add a defensive edge cheek piece .

Thanks for the advice

BTW if any of you know of a worthy smith that may be less expensive let me know .
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