4350, 4831, 4064 all worked well for me. I load Hodgdon mainly for the temp stability but I did try varget as well. H4895 would be a good 1 to try. I would give it a go. I have it too but I use it in my 204.
The main reason people are posting the seating depth link is that so many people get different results with the same bullet. Personally on my 7-08 it was .015 off the lands. CBTO or AOL is likely going to be different depending on how your chamber and throat were reamed so it really is not applicable to post.
I will try and grab my pet load data tonight when I get home. However, if you want to save yourself a bit of time in reloading, do a ladder test. It is really pretty simple and reveals quite a lot about overall accuracy nodes for a given combo. Go to the dollar store and get some colored permanent markers. Color the tips down to the ogive. use darker colors. Shoot 300 to 500 yards at a LARGE target (3feet by 3 feet) with white wrapping paper and a 2" or so dot as the hold point. I write down the color of the bullet matched with the charge weight. For example. red- 46 grains 4831. blue -46.5 grains 4831 etc. Shoot the rounds. Go down range, change your target, shoot next ladder test. Pretty simple.....I assume you are familiar with the process.