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Load for 7mm wsm


Jan 31, 2009
I recently picked up a 700 with a shilen 7mm wsm barrel on it. I dont know the twist yet as I havent found a few minutes of time to slug the barrel. Any of you have some good accurate load for yours? I hope the gun will shoot well. I tossed a random load together of IMR 4831 with a Nosler 120 BT's on top of it and it shot a minute. I want to believe the rifle will do better than that. I mounted some Hart 1 piece bases and rings on the gun, lapped them, and put a Nikon Monarch 3-12x42 scope on it. i'm not lookin to shoot to the moon with the gun, maybe just a few hundred yards.
what bullets do you want to shoot?

The Nosler manual is usually pretty good data with their "most accurate powder tested" recomendations. If you don't have a nosler manual let me know.

I'm shooting the 150 ballistic tips with H4831sc just below the nosler max.
Hunting vs Target?

168 Berger VLD's H4831SC 61 grains 2905 FPS from my 26" Hart.

180 Berger VLD's H1000 64 grains 2930 FPS from my 26" Hart.

Both shoot sub 1/2 minute groups at 100 and 1/2 MOA or less out to 400 plus.

Hunting vs Target?

168 Berger VLD's H4831SC 61 grains 2905 FPS from my 26" Hart.

180 Berger VLD's H1000 64 grains 2930 FPS from my 26" Hart.

Both shoot sub 1/2 minute groups at 100 and 1/2 MOA or less out to 400 plus.


how far did you jump/jam the 168's? I was using them with retumbo .007 off, never could get consistently tight groups. Maybe I should try H4831sc with these, but I was concerned about poor velocity. Did you try multiple powders with these, or just got lucky with your starting choice?
Actually the 168 load was developed for me by Joel Russo, when I bought the rifle.

I've tried Reloder 25, 22, and 17, but so far that load is the best for the 168's.

It is loaded .015 off the lands.

The 180 load I developed, and it is my 1000 yard F class load. It shoots best .007 off the lands, go figure! Once again, I tried all 5 powders.

I THINK Reloder 17 MIGHT give me a good load with the 180's, but I'm still playing with it. I also think it is a little faster than H1000, but as I said, I'm still working with it for the 180's.

Here is a group with the 180's at 200 yards, first shot was top right, second was bottom right, then the group is 6 shots. I was developing the load, trying to find ideal COAL. I usually zero at 400 yards, so I had to adjust for 200, thus the first 2 shots.


A cleaning rod with a brush will help tou find the twist rate.

Insert rod with brush into the rifling, at the end of the bore guide make a mark with a sharpie, measure 12" back and make another mark with your sharpie. Make sure to mark the top center of the rod next to the handle, some of them come with a dot stamped in front of the bearing. Now push the rod down the bore to the next mark and count the revolutions of the rod.

You now know what twist your barrel is and will be better equipt to choose a bullet of propper weight
A cleaning rod with a brush will help tou find the twist rate.

Insert rod with brush into the rifling, at the end of the bore guide make a mark with a sharpie, measure 12" back and make another mark with your sharpie. Make sure to mark the top center of the rod next to the handle, some of them come with a dot stamped in front of the bearing. Now push the rod down the bore to the next mark and count the revolutions of the rod.

You now know what twist your barrel is and will be better equipt to choose a bullet of propper weight

Or tight patch pushed near end of barrel then start to pull back, wrap tape around rod with the ends stuck together on top touching bore guide, pull back until on top again. Distance between bore guide and tape is twist.

For hunting I like 162 Amax with H1000 in a 9.25 twist 7wsm.
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I am shooting a Winchester mod 70 7mm WSM with a 24 in barrel and a HS Precision stock on it. The load I worked up is a 160 gr Nosler Accubond with 62 grs of IMR 4831 it and shot a 5/8 in group at 200 yards. What would help is to decide on a bullet you want to shoot and then start messing with different powders and your Overall Cartridge Length. If your group is a little big messing with those two things can tighten up them. Also take time in your case prep, correct cartridge dimensions are important.
Thanks for the input on some loads you guys have done well with. I'm well aware of how to find a barrel twist rate. As mentioned before, I just havent had the time to sit down and do it. I used the term "slug the barrel" incorrectly. I wasnt thinking straight. As far as case prep and load development, this isnt my first go round with a rifle. I was just fishing to see what guys have had good luck with out of various guns. More or less getting making conversation.

I'll give you my favorite load for deer and elk in my Win. 70 with Monarch 4X12.
68.1 gr. H4831SC, WLRM primer, Win. Nickel Brass (work up to this load in regular brass), 140 gr. Nosler Accubond or Ballistic Tip. This load produces 3105 fps 15' from muzzle in my rifle, and averages 2 1/4 " at 400 yards when there is no wind.
Hope this helps; remember, work up to this load, shoot straight, and have fun!

My load is 65.3gr H4831sc pushing a 168 VLD set .010 off the lands.
This load is over book recommendations but shows no pressure signs in my rifle.
200 yards groups are covered with a quarter.
This load isn't for a wsm but a rm which is close. 180 berger fed 215m primer, right at the lands 68 grains of retumbo. I have consistent(more than once a session) 1/4" groups at a 100 and shot my best 500 yard group(1.4") with this load.
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