Leupold Optics For Very Long Or Very Short Range


Mar 6, 2008
In my waking dreams, it is of course essential for long range hunting to have a new, just released scope and laser rangefinder to team up with a rifle and cartridge/bullet combo to do the job at ranges close, far and anywhere in between.

My test bed rifle is a Kimber Select Grade 8400 in .338 Winchester Magnum with the new Leupold VX-6 2x12 42mm with Boone and Crockett reticle. The cartridge is a hand loaded Nosler Custom Case and a 185 grain Nosler AccuBond using Reloader 15 powder. Clocking in at 3150 fps, the 185 grain pill is a veritable freight train of energy for any species in North America and most of Africa.
This is a thread for discussion of the article, Leupold Optics For Very Long Or Very Short Range, By Edward Hale. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
Good looking scope, It will likely find its way to my home one day. Good realistic assessment of what most of our needs are.
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