I have this Scope mounted on a custom m700 with a 31 inch barrel.
It's in 308 win, now according to the ballistic manual, the closet Round to mine is a 150 grain at 2850. Using the small triangle, for ***** out to 300 yards plus.
That didn't work, I'm using a Sierra 165 grain at 2860 or so.
I fired at a Deer from a solid prone rested position, off my bipod and resting the Rifle on my backpack.
Distance 357 yards, I took the power ring up to the small triangle, placed my aim between the 300 and 400 hash mark. And squeezed off the Shot.The Deer just walked away, I checked of course no hit.
Next evening I placed a Target at 357 yards, using the same hold, the bullet struck 7 inches high and 4 inches right.
I then checked Zero at two hundred and the round struck dead center.
I contacted Leupold, and in the email response they said to use the large Trangle to set the zero hash marks using that load.
That seems strange to me, as the velocity is almost the same as their listed 308, 150 grain load.
I'll test this out, I was surprised and a little disappointed.
Has anyone any experience with this scope where the listed triangle didn't calibrate as you thought it would and the other one did?