Lapua Brass Prep??


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2007
Sandy Utah
I have some 6.5 CM 6.5 PRC and 300 Win Mag

All Brand New, question is what do I need to do for the first time loading it??
Resize? Chamfer inside and outside of the neck? Resize?
Or just prime and load?
I bought some Lapua brass last year and ran an expander in them then loaded them. I got to the 2nd box and went to the range and couldnt chamber the first round as it got stuck trying to close the bolt. I found a handful of cases in that box that had thick necks causing the rounds to jam trying to chamber them.
We only do the necks, had some not round and a few dented. Common with manufacturing and shipping. Great brass, ready to load otherwise.
I have some 6.5 CM 6.5 PRC and 300 Win Mag

All Brand New, question is what do I need to do for the first time loading it??
Resize? Chamfer inside and outside of the neck? Resize?
Or just prime and load?
Even with quality brass some of it can get dinged up in packaging and shipping.

Best to resize everything just like you would used brass, inspect the necks for thick/thin areas, dents and dings or notches around the lip, then uniform it all for length and chamfer.

If you're just starting out get the Lee case sizing kit and base. You can attach it to a drill and it all runs really fast.

The Lee Case Length Gauge & Cutter and Lock Stud is the simplest way to check the case and trim to the correct safe length.

After a case has been loaded a few times, it will stretch beyond maximum length and must be trimmed. The Cutter and Lock Stud works for all calibers. You will need only one. The cartridge specific Case Length Gauge (Pilot) and shell holder must be ordered for each caliber. Trim cases by hand or use with an electric drill to trim, chamfer and polish cases faster. Eliminates danger of long cases. Squares the mouth for more accurate bullet seating and exit.

3 Jaw Chuck Trimming Kit


Hex shank fits popular, low-cost cordless screwdrivers (sold separately).

Universal 3 jaw chuck fits 25 ACP to largest belted magnums for shellholderless trimming.

Includes cutter, 3 jaw chuck, and spinner stud. Order cartridge specific case length gauge separately. Power screwdriver pictured also sold

While I have them on the drill I would also go ahead and hit them lightly with the RCBS chamfering and deburring tool. Note, don't get carried away chamfering and deburring or you end up with a sharp edge instead of two clean edges.

As I started losing dexterity in my hands I switched over to the Hornady Power All in One Case Prep Station but if you aren't loading dozens or hundreds at a time you don't need to spend that kind of money getting setup.

Yes you can get away with doing zero prep with quality new brass but sooner or later you'll get bit.
Do I need another Die as all I have is Foster Full Length Resizer and Foster Micro Seater?
It would be money well spent to buy an expander mandrel die and the mandrels that you need. Like another poster said with new Lapua brass, all I've had to do is expand the necks with the mandrel die to remove any dings or other irregularities there might be.
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